Ed (AB4IQ), Paul (ND4X) and Jeff (WB9BVL) preparing the computer and projector for the meeting.

PARA Meeting Minutes 3/14/2016

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Paducah Amateur Radio Association was held Monday, March 14 at the WKCTC Emerging Technology Center in Paducah, KY.  Among the 25 attendees present one came for an FCC exam, one came as a new licensee, and another one came to observe, get acquainted with PARA members and learn about Amateur Radio.  See pictures and names below.

The meeting was opened by President Jeff Wielgos (KB9BVL) followed by the treasurer’s report given by Bruyce Huyck (KS4V), which was subsequently approved by the members.  Then Secretary Ron Cowherd (K4GYD) read the minutes from the February meeting, also accepted by the members present.

Old/New Business

Items discussed but not moved or voted upon include:

  • W4NJA QSL cards.  The newly printed cards were shown by Jeff (KB9BVL).  The cards will be available in time for Field Day 2016 for contacts requesting confirmations.
  • Field Day.  Ken (KW4DI) announced that he had reserved Keilor Park for the 2016 Field Day Activities.  Ken also spoke of the liability insurance that had been secured.
  • New Extra Class Question Pool.   VE license testing chairman Bruce (KS4V) reminded us that the extra class question pool would change July 1st, 2016.
  • Local Hamfests.   Reelfoot Hamfest:  March 26, 2016.  Princeton, KY hamfest:  June 4th 2016.
  • Net Logging.  It was suggested that we should look into the ARRL/ARES recommendations for the logging of check-ins on the PARA Sunday night training net. There is a different net control each night.  Secretary Ron Cowherd will keep a record of check-in totals until the login requirements are reviewed.  Net controls may give their totals to Ron (K4GYD) at the end of each session or if Ron is not available they may email their totals to  Total records will be posted on this web site starting with the March 20 session.
  • The McCracken County Amateur Radio Emergency Services along with McCracken County Emergency Services will offer an entry level class for anyone interested in obtaining a Technician Class Amateur radio License.  Classes start Saturday April 9th for four weeks and will conclude May 7th with a test session.  Contact:  Please pass the word!

Net Controls for late March/early April

March 20 Logan KG4VKB      11 check-ins
March 27 Jeff KB9BVL            17 check-ins
April 3 Frank KY4LDS        10 check-ins
April 10 Ken KW4DI               9 check-ins

Contest Success

The results for the North American QSO Party RTTY–July 2015 have been announced:  PARA placed 23rd world-wide, with only a three man team.    The  PARA team consisted of ND4X Paul Smith with 30,555 points, AB4IQ Ed Pflueger with 5,559 points and NU4N Dave Tucker with 165 points.  Total points came to 36,279.  This score is very commendable considering they were competing against many full five man teams.  Perhaps PARA will be represented by a five man team in 2016 with an even higher total.

The National Park Service On the Air Event Leader Board reveals two PARA hams in top 10 of 79 Kentucky Chaser scores:  Bruce (KS4V) 103 confirmed contacts and Ron (K4GYD) 65 confirmed.  This is a year long event sponsored by ARRL to help celebrate the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service.

New License Successes

Jason Brambach
Jason Brambach

We are happy to report that two March meeting attendees are new Technicians.  Michael Matzafol passed his Technician exam.  Brent Robertson (W4CHE) just received his Tech license and Jason Brambach came to the meeting to become acquainted with our club members and gain additional knowledge of the testing procedure.  Congratulations Michael and Brent.  I’m sure we will be congratulating Jason soon.


Bren t Robertson
Brent Robertson W4CHE
Michael Matzafol
Michael Matzafol

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