PARA Meeting Minutes 4/11/2016

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Paducah Amateur Radio Association was held Monday, April 11 at the WKCTC Emerging Technology Center, room 140, in Paducah, KY.  Among the 25 attendees present two came for FCC exams, one came as a new licensee, and another came to upgrade an existing license.   See pictures and names below.

The meeting was opened by President Jeff Wielgos (KB9BVL) followed by the treasurer’s report given by Bruyce Huyck (KS4V), which was subsequently approved by the members.  Then Secretary Ron Cowherd (K4GYD) read the minutes from the March meeting, also accepted by the members present.  President Wielgos invited each attendee around the room to introduce themselves giving name and call.

Old/New Business

Items discussed but not moved or voted upon include:

  • Several members related their operating experiences with two recent rare Expeditions, VK0EK Heard Island and FT4JA Juan De Nova.
  • Ed Pflueger (AB4IQ) gave a report about the Reelfoot Hamfest that was held March 26.  Ed was a featured speaker as well as an attendee.
  • Jason Brambach reported on his enjoyable experience with the first McCracken County Amateur radio Emergency Services Technician Class Amateur radio license class.  The classes started Saturday April 9th and will run four weeks concluding May 7th with a test session.  Six prospective new hams attended the first session, however it may not be too late to participate.  Contact:  KJ4OKY@gmail.com for specific info.  Garry Wheatley (KD4GCY) Electronics instructor at McCracken Co HS, is one of the teachers.
  • There is still interest in activating a National Parks On The Air operation at the foot of Broadway in Paducah this spring or early summer.  The National Parks have posted on their website under Places to Go in Kentucky:  Paducah Waterfront foot of Broadway Historical Significance: “Paducah was a water route site that witnessed the passage of four of the 17 Trail of Tears detachments. Perhaps all of these detachments tied up to the Paducah waterfront. For example, the detachment headed by Gustavus Drane purchased some supplies in Paducah and the Cherokees’ Principal Chief John Ross stopped here (as part of the Drew Detachment) during midwinter 1838-1839. This is one of the few water route sites where detachments are known to have stopped.  www.nps.gov  Bruce (KS4V) with 142 confirmed contacts and Ron (K4GYD) with 92 confirmed are still in the top 11 NPOTA “chasers” in Kentucky.
  • Ron (K4GYD) made a few comments about Sunday night net control logging responsibilities.  It is the opinion of John Hudson (Ko4XJ) a past Emergency Coordinator, the PARA emergency practice net does not need to report their activities.  However, Gerry Wheatley (present Emergency Coordinator) will add our activity to his report, therefore we will continue to publish checkin numbers on the club web page for his benefit.  The local ARES net which operates one Sunday night a month following the club net, should report their activities to the state coordinator.   Logan Blewett (KG4VKB) is net control.

Net Controls for late April/early May


April 17 Brent W4CHE                 12 checkins
April 24 Frank KY4LDS                15 checkins
May 1 Jeff KB9BVL                     14 checkins
May 8 Ken KW4DI                      11 checkins


President Wielgos brought a video of the latest BS7SH Scarborough Reef Expedition, April 2007.  It was a very controversial decision by the DXCC commission to include Scarborough Reef in the DXCC list.  Many believed the location in the South China Sea, about half way between the Phillippines  and China to be too small, too dangerous and too politically sensitive.  Many thought that an island small enough to be measured with a tape measure was too small anyway.  At high tide, the coral reef was inundated so the scaffolding for the generator, antennas and gear had to be constructed during low tides.  Even so, the crew was able to complete 5,000 QSO’s. The cinematography was quite good, very well depicting the hardships involved.  Thanks Jeff, for bringing this informative video to the club meeting.

New License successes

We are happy to report that two April meeting attendees have earned new license status.  Benjamin Crabtree passed his Technician exam.  Brent Robertson (W4CHE) who had just received his Tech license in March, upgraded to General Class.  Perhaps Brent will move up to Extra in May.  Congratulations Benjamin and Brent.

Benjamin Crabtree
Benjamin Crabtree
Bren t Robertson
Brent Robertson W4CHE

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