PARA Meeting Minutes 6/12/2017

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Paducah Amateur Radio Association was held  Monday, June 12, 2017 at the WKCTC Emerging Technology Center, Room 140, in Paducah, KY.  There were approximately 20 present.  Two guests came for FCC amateur license examinations and one member for license upgrade.

The meeting was opened by President Jeff Wielgos (KB9BVL).  Jeff invited each attendee around the room to introduce themselves with their name and call.  The Treasurer’s report was given by Bruce Huyck (KS4V).  The April 2017 meeting minutes was read by Secretary Ron Cowherd (K4GYD).  Both treasurer and secretary reports were were approved by unanimous vote.

Items Discussed

  • Final plans for Field Day, June 24 and 25 at Keiler Park, were discussed.  Set up for the event will begin at 9:00 am Saturday morning.  It was announced that use of McCracken County Mobile Command Center had been approved.
  • Bruce Huyck gave an in-depth review of the ARRL Field Day rules, classifications, and extra points as well as the local site set-up, antenna plan, wireless net-work, etc.  Bruce also suggested some ideas for discussion to get more participation from all the club members.
  • Paul Smith gave a presentation on the use of the N1MN logging software that the club uses for Field Day.  Paul showed us the many features of the app that simplify logging when all transmitters are linked together.

Net Control Operators for Late May/Early June

Sunday night nets are at 9:00 PM on 147.060 PL 179.9

June 18   Brent W4CHE      16 check-ins

June 25   Frank KY4LDS       6 check-ins

July  2     Ken KW4DI

July 9       Logan KG4VKB     6 check-ins

New License and Upgrade Successes

We are happy to report that three have passed or upgraded their FCC Amateur radio exams at the close of the June meeting.  Congratulations to the following:  Chuck Culver passed both the Technician and General exam.  Richard Reid passed the technician and Jeff Estes upgraded to General.  You are all cordially invited to join us again at future meetings and hopefully become club members.


Pictured L to R:  Chuck Culver, Wayne Reid and Jeff Estes


PARA meets at Emerging Technology Center, WKCTC on 2nd Monday, 7 pm of each month except December.

New License and upgrades are offered on odd months throughout the year.  See W4NJA web site at w4nja.org.  For info click at the top of the page on About Us, then VE License Testing.

The Sunday Night Net meets each Sunday night at 9 PM. All amateur radio operators are invited to check in. 147.060 PL 179.9

Respectfully submitted,

Ron Cowherd (Sec. PARA) roncowherd@aol.com

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