PARA Meeting Minutes 9/14/2015

The September PARA meeting was opened at 7 pm by president Ken Wontor (KW4DI) with a moment of silence in memory of Joey Gill, (KK4ETB) who recently became a silent key.   Each attendee around the room introduced themselves by giving their name, year licensed and report of their ham activities.  Ron Cowherd (K4GYD) appeared to be the first licensed in 1958 with Don Fuller (KC4DR) close behind.  There were approximately 23 members present in addition to two prospective members who came to take their first test for a ham license.

Old Business

The minutes from the August meeting were read by Secretary Jeff Wielgos (KB9BVL).  The Treasurer’s report was given by Paul Smith (ND4X).

A motion was made and passed to reimburse Rob Larrison (KC9VFV) $15.17 for the yearly W4NJA web domain fee that he had previously paid on behalf of the club.  Rob has asked to be relieved of his duties as web master but has agreed to continue as co-administrator of the W4NJA web site for a few months until Ron is comfortable with the WordPress App.  We appreciate the fine job that Rob has done setting up the site from the beginning.  It is planned that his format will remain for the time being just as he initiated.

Bruce Huyck (KS4V) the VE License Testing coordinator, reminded us testing is offered every other month with the next session available in November.  However, there could be an exception by special request.

New Business

Secretary Paul Smith suggested that Club QSL cards with the call of W4NJA are needed.  We have had several requests based on Field Day contacts as well as American Islands On The Air contacts.  The idea was discussed, and the motion was made and passed to allocate $100 for the new cards.  Members were encouraged to bring or email sample pictures for possible card graphics.

Net Controls for September are:

Sept. 20     KG4VKB     Logan

Sept. 27     KB9BVL       Jeff

Oct. 4         KY4LDS       Frank

Oct 11        KW4DI         Ken


Jeff (KB4BVL) presented a very enlightening report on the US Islands QSO Party at the KY Dam Powerhouse location.  Jeff and Paul (ND4X) represented PARA.  Jeff showed Google map images of the site which when zoomed in revealed the area that was completely surrounded by water therefore qualifying it as an island.  He also showed pictures of their rigs, antennas and power supply installation.  Their efforts were quite successful even though the 20 and 40 meter bands were not in the best condition at the time.  The club members showed their appreciation to Jeff and Paul by a nice round of applause.

President Ken continued with pictures of the two new signs that have been put in place on interstate (I24), one between the Ohio river bridge and first exit #3, and the other just east of the Reidland exit #16 coming into Paducah.  The completion of this project has been anxiously awaited for several months.  Ken led the effort to get this done and members also gave him a big hand of applause in appreciation.

PARA Pic #2PARA sign #1

Mike Newman (WD4EFZ), showed pictures and commented on his extensive station grounding system incorporated into his 170 ft tower and antenna installation at his home QTH.  His close-up pictures of the many ground connections clearly showed his professional expertise and effort to go the extra mile to guarantee safety.  Mike said he has had at least three lightning hits so far with no damage.  However, he added, “there is always the chance of a big one.”   Mike, we are in awe of your vast knowledge in this area.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jeff (KB9BVL sec. – Ron (K4GYD); Rob (KC9VFV)  web co-admin.

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