George Langton (W4TPC) October 2015, 89 years young, licensed in 1952, a model for us all.  Also pictured are Mike Newman (WD4EFZ), Malckom Williams (KK4RGM), Ed Sobkowiak (KC9UVO) and Don Fuller (KC4DR).

PARA Meeting Minutes 10/12/2015

The September PARA meeting was opened at 7 pm by president Ken Wontor (KW4DI) with a moment of silence in memory of Sam Jackson, (W4THY) who recently became a silent key.  Attendees around the room introduced themselves by giving their name, call and a brief comment on their activities since the last meeting.  There were 19 present, including Wesley Calvert, John Broadbent, and Tanya Gilmore who had come to take the exam for their new amateur license or upgrade.  (See pictures below)

Old Business

The Minutes from the September meeting were reviewed followed by a motion to accept.  The motion was approved.

The Treasurer’s report was given by President Ken Wontor (KW4DI) in absence of Paul Smith (ND4X) who was on vacation. A motion to accept was made followed by a vote of approval.

New Business

There was discussion concerning the new PARA QSL cards that were approved in the September meeting.  Several members commented on the appropriate design that Paul Smith had chosen.  The cards should be available soon.

We were reminded that the PARA annual Christmas Party was planned for Monday, 6:00 pm, December 14th at Casa Mexicana located at 4793 Village Square Drive in the Strawberry Hill area.  This event will replace the December meeting and testing.

It was also announced that the annual election of officers is scheduled for the January meeting.  The nominating committee will meet to choose a slate for nomination.

Net Controls for September are:

Oct. 18      KY4LDS     Frank

Oct. 25     KG4VKB     Logan

Nov. 1     KK4RGM     Malckom

Nov. 8     KW4DI     Ken


Ron Cowherd (K4GYD) Webmaster, encouraged PARA members to use the W4NJA web-site to stay informed of the schedule of club activities to come and news of club happenings that have past.  The site contains a wealth of information, both historical and technical with links to other important information on the web.  It was interesting to see statistical data showing the site’s use in 2014 and 2015.  Numerical data was displayed graphically on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis along with a world map to indicate from where the check-ins originated.   For example there have been 10,304 views in the past 22 months from the US and 76 countries.  Ron’s goal is to surpass 2014 view numbers by the end of 2015.

Club members may contribute photos and text items to the site by emailing to  Comments, corrections and additions are welcome.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ron (K4GYD webmaster

New License and Upgrade Successes

Wes Calvert passed his Tech, General and Extra test to get the Extra license in one setting. Wow, Congratulations Wes.Broadbent

From left to Right:  Wesley Calvert passed his Tech, General, and Extra tests to get his Extra license in one setting.  Tanya Gilmore upgraded to General.  John Broadbent passed his Technician.  Congratulations Wesley, Tanya and John.  Also pictured:  Jerry Foland ((WA4TTL) and Mike Newman (WD4EFZ).

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