PARA Meeting Minutes 2/12/2018

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Paducah Amateur Radio Association was held  Monday, February 12, 2018 at the WKCTC Emerging Technology Center, Room 140, in Paducah, KY.  There were 29 present, including 5 FCC Amateur License examinees.  The meeting was opened by Club President, Jeff  Wielgos (KB9BVL).  Jeff invited attendees around the room to introduce themselves with their name and call.

Items Discussed and Passed

The business portion of the meeting was as follows:

  • Secretary Cowherd reviewed 2017 end-of- year statistics including club attendance and participation numbers.  In addition, W4NJA.org web usage statistics, provided by WordPress.com, were reviewed.
  • President Wielgos gave the Treasurers report in absence of Bruce Huyck.
  •  A large portion of the business session was spent in discussion of a motion from Dave Perry (N4QS).  Dave’s motion was:  “that PARA request that it become the new sponsor of the KY QSO Party.”  During the discussion of the motion Dave spoke of the responsibilities and positive outcomes of the project.  Paul Smith continued the discussion with comments on contest software for the event, including Cabrillo log checking.  Mike Newman told of the thrills and great success representing KY at the 2014 ARRL Centennial Celebration held at his QTH.  Dave and Paul volunteered to chair the project with volunteers to take on publicity, award sponsors, etc.  The motion was seconded and later past with the majority of members in favor.
  • Club member and insurance agent Beth Gupton (AK4BG) announced that the club’s liability policy payment is due ($254.51)  A motion to pay the bill was made and a vote taken and passed.

Net Control Operators for Late February/Early March

Sunday night nets are at 9:00 PM on 147.060 Mhz. PL 179.9

February 18         Jay KD9HRH      15 check-ins

February 24    Garry KD4GCY  16 check-ins to called Emergency WX Net

February 25         Eric K4YUS         15 check-ins

March 4                Logan KG4VKB    15 PARA, 12 ARES

March 11               Ken KSW4DI    12 check-ins

ARRL International Grid Contest

(Leaderboard Results shows Ky position and Total Grid count as of  3/12/2018)                                                                    

1.  N4QS Dave Perry, 2278 grids, 48/day;  14. AI4EY Fred Carter, 797 grids, 14/day;  16. K4GYD Ron Cowherd, 750 grids, 14/day;  18. KO4XJ John Hudson, 715 grids, 15/day;  19. W4WWS  Steve Parmley, 560 grids, 9/day;   21. KS4V Bruce Huyck, 508 grids, 8/day.

Current grid contest results may be found at:  https://igc.arrl.org/leader-board.php

Kentucky QSO Party News

The PARA Kentucky QSO Party web site, kyqsoparty.org  is now up and running, thanks to Paul Smith.  Please check the Side Bar link often for latest news.

New License and Upgrade Successes

We are happy to report that five individuals successfully passed their FCC Amateur Radio license exams at the close of the February meeting.  Results are:  Lloyd Watson (KD4DFM) Extra; Mark Thorn (KN4HYV), General;  Michael Hicks (N9ARK) , General;  Eric Jones, Technician; and Michael Keller, (not pictured) Technician.  Congratulations to all.

Eric Roberts
Eric Jones–Tech
Michael Hicks
Michael Hicks–General
Mark Thorn
Mark Thorn-General
LLoyd Watson
Lloyd Watson–Extra


  • PARA meets at Emerging Technology Center, WKCTC on 2nd Monday, 7 pm of each month except December.
  • New License and upgrades are offered at the close of each meeting night throughout the year.  See W4NJA web site at w4nja.org.  For info click at the top of the page on About Us, then VE License Testing.
  • The Sunday Night Net meets each Sunday night at 9 PM. All amateur radio operators are invited to check in. 147.060 PL 179.9
  •  DX Engineering Skype presentation scheduled for March 12th meeting.
  •  PARA membership fees ($20) are due and payable at a future meeting.

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