PARA Meeting Minutes 6/11/2018

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Paducah Amateur Radio Association was held Monday, June 11, 2018 at the WKCTC Emerging Technology Center, Room 140, in Paducah, KY.  There were 21 present.

The meeting was opened by Club Treasurer Bruce Huyck.  Bruce welcome and asked each attendee around the room to give their name, and amateur call.

Items Discussed and Passed

The business portion of the meeting was as follows:

  • Ron Cowherd gave the Secretary’s report followed by the Treasurer’s report by Bruce Huyck.  A motion was made to accept the two reports, seconded and passed.
  • Paul Smith reported on W4NJA’s 2018 KY QSO Party success.  So far, 119 logs have been submitted, 21 operators out of 120 KY counties sent in logs.  McCracken, Anderson and and Hopkins had multiple stations (2 ea.)  There were hams from 38 ARRL Sections including Canada.  There were 130 logs submitted to LOTW which puts W4NJA at position 17,855 overall and number 136 in KY.  Paul passed out 11 page handout of data that showed W4NJA 180,720 points earned for the event, 598 QSOs, with 204 multipliers.  Total score, so far, is 1,026,000 points for our QSO Party exceeding any total scores in the past 10 years.
  • Dave Perry thanked everyone who participated in the QSO Party.  In addition, he asked what was learned by those who participated that may have been new to contesting or as a rover/portable operator.  It was agreed that we should make a list of what to do or what not to do in order to tweek next year’s planning.  Dave stressed setting goals for next year by besting this year’s numbers.  He suggested that we should think in terms of how we can increase the benefits for Kentucky by encouraging more KY hams and people around the world to participate in our contest.
  • Mike Newman announced that he was rebuilding his storage facility where PARA paraphernalia (antennas, computers, etc.) has been left.  Dave Perry offered a room at his remote station for the equipment.
  • Bruce Huyck gave an extensive overview of Field Day plans.

Net Control Operators for Late June/Early July

Sunday night nets are at 9:00 PM on 147.060 Mhz. PL 179.9

June 17              Frank KY4LDS      14 check-ins

June 24              Jeff  KM4LDP         12 check-ins

July    1              Eric K4YUS             12 PARA, 10 ARES

July    8               Logan KG4VKB     13 check-ins

ARRL International Grid Contest

(ARRL Leaderboard Results shows Ky position and Total Grid count as of  7/9/2018)  6 club members in top 25.                                                                  

1.  N4QS Dave Perry, 4253 grids;  10.  AI4EY Fred Carter, 2032 grids;  15. K4GYD Ron Cowherd, 1370 grids;  17. KC4WPS Roger Good, 1470 grids;  21.  KO4XJ John Hudson, 1199 grids;  23. KS4V Bruce Huyck, 1152 grids;  33. W4WWS  Steve Parmley, 941 grids;  48. ND4X Paul Smith, 547 grids;  54. KB9BVL Jeff Wielgos, 504 grids;  55. AB4IQ Ed Pflueger, 500 grids;  64. W4KU, Wallace Shankle, 428 grids;              68. KW4DI Ken Wontor, 412 grids;  71. NU4N Dave Tucker 396 grids;  77. N4FZ Gene Summers 366 grids;  78. KJ4CO John Chandler, 346 grids;  79.  W4NJA 337.

Current grid contest results may be found at:

New License and Upgrade Success

We are happy to report that Vardie Gene Bunch successfully upgraded to the General class FCC license.  Congratulations Gene.  We cordially invite you to enjoy your new license status and join us at future monthly meetings.

Gene Bunch
Gene Bunch-New General


  • PARA meets at Emerging Technology Center, WKCTC on 2nd Monday, 7 pm of each month except December.
  • New License and upgrades exams are offered at the close of each meeting night throughout the year.  See W4NJA web site at  For info click button at the top of the page:   About Us, then VE License Testing.
  • The Sunday Night Net meets each Sunday night at 9 PM. All amateur radio operators are invited to check in. 147.060 PL 179.9
  • 2018 Field Day Photos
  •  PARA membership fees ($10 pro-rated) payable at a future meeting.

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