Field Day 2018

Command Center
McCracken County Emergency Command Center (for RTTY & SSB stations) generators on trailer, and supplies in foreground.
Jeff and Don
Jeff Estes KM4LDP and Don Fuller KC4DR
Don Fuller: “I could use this thing for hunting and fishing too.”
Jeff Estes: “Wow, those squirrels are bad this year.”
Don Fuller to Ed Sobkowiak AC9OO: “Wait a minute Ed, I think one of the windows closed on my finger.”
FD'18 Sat. Station
Laurel Black, (Paducah Sun reporter), Jerry Oliver KJ4EU and Frank Baumer KY4LDS listening for satellite stations.
FD'18 CW Stat
Gordon Bremenkampf K8EFW, unidentified visitor, Beth Gupton AK4BG, Steven Gupton AI4ZL watching Gene Summers N4FZ operate the CW station.
FD'18 food pav.
Eric Roberts K4YUS, Ed Pflueger AB4IQ, Mike Newman WD4EFZ, Don Fuller KC4DR, Ken Wontor KW4DI and Bruce Hesley patiently waiting for the cook to arrive.
Paul,Dave and Jason Gun
Paul Smith ND4X, Ron Cowherd K4GYD and Jason Brambach KY9I (unseen) showing off his spud gun complete with laser sight.


Ken pic. Gordan+Craig Bradley
Gordon Bremenkampf K8EFW and Craig Bradley KD9MS in CW station.


Ken Pic. ? op
Craig Bradley KD9MS from Karnac, IL

Photos by Ken Wontor KW4DI and Ron Cowherd K4GYD

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