Minutes for PARA Meeting APRIL 11, 2022

Club President Garry-KD4GCY presided, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag.  There were 18 members and one prospect in attendance.

Club Treasurer Roger-KC4WPS, read the financial report to the membership. KC4DR-Don made a motion to approve the report as read and KG4SRK-Dennis seconded it.  The motion was voted on and carried.

The meeting scribe Michael-KN4TIP read the Minutes of the March 14, 2022 meeting to the membership.  The motion was accepted without dissent.

President Garry led the membership in discussion on the following topics:

  • New prospective Chuck Ringstaff here for Technician testing
  • Ed Pflueger’s mother in law (Laura’s mother) passed away, a private funeral with the family is planned.
  • A brief discussion of the new licensing fees- The ARRL Official Site lists under License Fees and Applications:

“The $35 application fee, when it becomes effective on April 19, will apply to new, renewal, rule waiver, and modification applications that request a new vanity call sign. The fee will be per application.”

  • Lewis and Clark On The Air Event June 4, 2022- June 19th,2022 Garry KD4GCY has made contact with the lctota.org for participation but has yet to receive information.  He will continue to follow.
  •  The KY QSO Party is scheduled for June 4-5, 2022 with rules as they were the past year
  • On Thursday, September 22, 2022 we will present a program for the “Seniors Learning for Fun” from 2:00-3:00 in the WKCTC large meeting room.

We are planning a short introduction before showing a Powerpoint presentation that ND4X-Paul has prepared with an imbedded video from the ARRL . We will then have a GOTA session with a minimum of 3 tables of equipment presenting different modes of amateur radio in the Garden area.

  • The Southeastern DX Club will be hosting a Convention, September 23-24, 2022
  • Clint Talmedge-W5CPT spoke with a GMRS friend of his to encourage him and a group to obtain amateur licenses to extend their operational capabilities through open 2m repeaters.

Net Control Operator assignments were made and the formal portion of the meeting was adjourned.


April 17 KB9BVL- Jeff

April 24 KY4LDS- Frank

May 1   KN4TIP- Michael

May 8   KW4DI- Ken

The formal meeting was closed at 2015.

 A VE testing session was started with two testing for Extra, and one testing for Technician.

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