PARA Meeting Minutes 8/8/2016

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Paducah Amateur Radio Association was held Monday, August 8, 2016 at the WKCTC Emerging Technology Center, Room 140, in Paducah, KY.  There were approximately 28 present.

The meeting was opened by Vice President Ken Wontor (KW4DI).  Ken invited each attendee around the room to inroduce themselves with their name, call and a short report of their  past month’s ham activities, new equipment, DX and even Garry Wheatley’s (KD4GCY) retirement, etc.  (There was an unusual amount of light hearted banter at this time which added to this night’s fun).  However, we were totally quiet when Malcolm Williams (KK4RGM) told of a lightning strike at his shack that wiped out all of his ham gear and the interior of the room.  He was lucky that it didn’t burn down the whole house.  Pictures of the damage vividly reminded us that it could happen to any of us.

The Treasurer’s report was given by Bruce Huyck (KS4V).  Bruce added that Sec. Cowherd (K4GYD) had been reimbursed the annual required $30.00 fee paid to WordPress to keep the W4NJA website advertisement free.  The July meeting minutes was read by Secretary Cowherd and subsequently both the Treasurer’s and Secretary’s  reports were approved by the members present.

Old/New Business

Items discussed include:

  • Ken asked about plans for a club sponsored National Park On The Air activation. This project has been discussed in previous meetings but the majority always thought September would be the best month due to current weather conditions.  It was suggested that those who were interested in taking part in the project should meet, discuss details and present a definite plan at the September meeting.
  • Bruce (KS4V) suggested that it would be a good time to hold a club sponsored “compressed air” antenna launcher project. This had been done a number of years ago with great success. No decision on the project was made but could be discussed next meeting.  See Spud Gun Pdf
  • Another project suggested by Ron (K4GYD) that since there are quite a few new or older license holders that came into the hobby after the code requirement was dropped, it would be beneficial to provide CW instruction/practice sessions at the end of monthly meetings.  There were about 6 hands that went up when asked how many would be interested in sessions led by our experienced CW ops.  Several CW ops present submitted that they could teach what not to do when learning code.  No decision on this project was made but could be discussed next meeting.

Net Controls for Late August/Early September

Sunday night nets are at 9:00 PM CDT on 147.060 PL 179.9.  See net control procedures here.

August 14                        Beth AK4BG              12 checkins

August 21                        Frank KY4LDS          14 checkins

August 28                        Jeff KB9BVL              11 checkins

September 4                   Logan KG4VKB    8 checkins PARA/8 ARES

September 11                 Ken KW4DI                11 checkins

Show and Tell

Jason Brambach (KY9I) showed an inexpensive digital tester that he had constructed from a kit.  The tester provides useful information about diodes, transistors, capacitors, etc.  For additional info contact Jason.

License Upgrades

Two of our PARA members, Beth Gupton (AK4BG) and Ken Kraal (KM4DTS) have become Volunteer Examiners by completing the VEC accreditation process.  Congratulations Beth and Ken for acquiring this important status.

NPOTA scores

National Parks On The Air current (9/12/16) Kentucky confirmed contacts:  Bruce Huyck (KS4V) 292;  Ron Cowherd (K4GYD) 138; Dave Dewey (W4WKN) 26; Dave Tucker (NU4N) 18; Dave Perry (N4QS) 9; Ed Pflueger (AB4IQ) 2; Paul Smith (ND4X) 1; Gene Summers (N4FZ) 1 and (W4NJA) 1 ????

Proposed NPOTA Activation Registration draft:


Next scheduled meeting will be Monday, September 12, 2016 at the WKCTC Emerging Technology Center, Room 140.



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