PARA Meeting Minutes 8/13/2018

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Paducah Amateur Radio Association was held Monday, August 13, 2018 at the WKCTC Emerging Technology Center, Room 140, in Paducah, KY.  There were 30 present.  One came for FCC VE testing (see picture below) and three others came just to find out how to become an amateur radio operator.

The meeting was opened by PARA President Jeff Wielgos who announced that the business segment would be delayed until after the DX Engineering Skype presentation on grounding was completed.  Unfortunately due to equipment malfunctions and technical difficulties on both ends of the circuit it was decided by DX Engineering representative Bob W5OV and our club that the presentation would have to be scrubbed and rescheduled for another time.

Items Discussed and Passed

  • Club Treasurer Bruce Huyck announced that Secretary Cowherd would be reimbursed $30 for the yearly No Ad fee to WordPress.
  • Dave Perry and Paul Smith reported that there was nothing to report about the KY QSO Party awards, other than certificates and plaques were being prepared as previously planned.
  • President Jeff Wielgos related that the FCC has banned the sale of the popular Baofeng portable transceivers.  It appears that amateurs that have already purchased the radio may continue using them on the designated ham bands.
  • Jason Brambach (KY9I) and Ron Cowherd (K4GYD) led a discussion on a proposed CW round table for those who would like to have practical on-the-air sending and receiving experience.  At the close of the meeting nine club members gave their names, interests and present receiving and sending WPM abilities.  It has been suggested that those who would like to participate should meet on W4NJA repeater Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 8:00 to get instructions (freq. and order of rotation, etc.) for the session to follow.  This endeavor is a work-in-progress and suggestions are welcome.

Net Control Operators for Late August/Early September

Sunday night nets are at 9:00 PM on 147.060 Mhz. PL 179.9

August 19          Jeff KB9BVL     14 chk-ins

August 26          Jeff KM4LDP      9 chk-ins

September 2     Frank KY4LDS  15 PARA

September 2      Logan KG4VKB 11 ARES

September 9       Frank KY4LDS   14 chk-ins

ARRL International Grid Contest

ARRL Leaderboard Results shows KY position and Total Grid count as of  9/10/2018  6 club members in top 25.                                                                  

1.  N4QS Dave Perry, 5788 grids;  12.  AI4EY Fred Carter, 2299 grids;  16. KS4V Bruce Huyck, 1900 grids;    18. KC4WPS Roger Good, 1856 grids;  19. K4GYD Ron Cowherd, 1762 grids;  23.  KO4XJ John Hudson, 1473 grids;    43. W4WWS  Steve Parmley, 808 grids;  51. ND4X Paul Smith, 756 grids;  52. AB4IQ Ed Pflueger, 724 grids;  64. KB9BVL Jeff Wielgos, 529 grids;  75. W4KU, Wallace Shankle, 428 grids; 80. N4FZ Gene Summers 418 grids;  81.  KW4DI Ken Wontor, 412 grids;  83. NU4N Dave Tucker 396 grids;    92. KJ4CO John Chandler, 346 grids;  93.  W4NJA 343.

Current grid contest results may be found at:

New License Success

We are happy to report that Mark Wilson successfully passed the Technician class FCC exam.  Congratulations Mark.  We cordially invite you to enjoy your new license and join us at future monthly meetings.





  • PARA meets at Emerging Technology Center, WKCTC on 2nd Monday, 7 pm, each month except December.  Prospective hams in search of
  • New License and upgrades exams are offered at the close of each meeting night throughout the year.  See W4NJA web site at  For info click button at the top of the page:   About Us, then VE License Testing.
  • The Sunday Night Net meets each Sunday night at 9 PM. All amateur radio operators are invited to check in. 147.060 PL 179.9
  • CW round table for on-the-air operating practice, 8:00 pm Tuesday and Thursday evenings.  Meet on W4NJA repeater at 8:00 to get instructions.
  • 2018 Field Day Photos


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