The annual PARA Christmas Dinner was celebrated Monday, December 14, 2015 at Casa Mexicana Restaurant on Village Square Drive in Paducah.  The special occasion has traditionally convened in lieu of a formal December club meeting.  Snapshots of the approximately 30 members and guests in attendance enjoyed excellent food and spirited conversation as shown below:  (click on images for larger view)


Contest Success

PaulS&MikeNPaul Smith (ND4X), club treasurer, has distinguished himself this December by surpassing last year’s success in the ARRL 10 meter CW/SSB contest.  The 2014 Award recognized his Score of 16,758 which placed him in First Place in the single operator, unlimited mixed mode, low power Kentucky Section.  Paul most surely will again receive First Place with this year’s magnanimous Score of  108,346.  This is quite an achievement Paul.   We are proud of you!



Bruce Huyck presentation

Bruce HuyckBruce Huyck has passed along a copy of his PowerPoint presentation, given at a club meeting earlier this year, entitled “Exploring HF Signals.”  It is a great overview of the many digital modes that are available to today’s amateur radio operators.  New hams and anyone who has not explored these new modes can benefit from the info in Bruce’s presentation by clicking on the following link:                 Exploring HF Signals    Thanks Bruce


Net Controls late December/early January

December 20    Dave W4WKN

December 27    Frank KY4LDS

    January 3    Jeff KB9BVL

           January 10    Tanya KM4NPZ

Meeting Reminder

Don’t forget!  The next regularly scheduled PARA meeting will kick off the new year on Monday, January 11, 7:00 pm at the West Kentucky Community and Technical College on Alban Barkley Drive, Paducah, KY.  The primary business for the evening will be the election of officers for 2016.  Please be present and cast you vote for the candidate of your choice.  Remember, empty seats can’t vote.  (at least at PARA elections)

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Great DX and Best 73’s.






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