Paducah Amateur Radio Association

Minutes for PARA Meeting

January 9, 2023

Club President KD4GCY-Garry presided and called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. and led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag.

There were 18 members at the meeting. 

Club Scribe KN4TIP- Michael read the Minutes of the November 14, 2022 meeting to the membership.  KB9BVL–Jeff made a motion to amend the minutes and KC4ENA- Freddie seconded the motion. A motion to accept the amended minutes made by KC4WPS- Roger and seconded by K4HNJ- Don. The motion was voted on and carried.

Club Treasurer KC4WPS- Roger read the financial report with corrections to the membership.  KG4SRK- Dennis made a motion to approve the report as read. KC4ENA- Freddie seconded the motion.  The motion was voted on and carried.  KC4WPS- Roger continued with discussion of our club liability insurance through ARRL for a $200/annual payment.  KN4TIP- Michael made the motion to approve the payment and was seconded by KB9BVL- Jeff.  The motion was voted unanimously approved.  KC4WPS- Roger continued with discussion of our CD’s that our currently earning a very low interest rate but are not at maturity.  We discussed surrendering them at a 90 day penalty and converting them to the present higher rate. KD4GCY- Garry reminded us that the club money was earned mostly by some of our senior members that were not present to discuss topic.  A motion was made by KN4TIP-Michael to table the discussion until next meeting to allow those senior members to be present, the motion was seconded by KG4KXN-Scott. The motion was voted on and carried.

KD4GCY-Garry presented a slate of officers for this year. Opportunity to nominate other officers was made.  No changes were made, so the slate remained as:

          President-                     KD4GCY-     Garry Wheatley

          Vice-President-             KC4DR- Don Fuller

          Treasurer-                     KC4WPS- Roger Good

          Scribe-                           KN4TIP- Michael Durr

A motion was made by WD4OKO- Neal to approve the slate as stated and KC4ENA- Freddie seconded the motion. The motion was voted unanimously approved.

President Garry led the membership in discussion on the following topics:

  • Prayer requests for KM4LDP-Jeff and family whose mother Anna Marie Estes Heavrin passed Jan 7, 2023 at age 88.  The funeral is January 10, 2023 at 1:00 pm at the Lone Oak Chapel of Milner and Orr Funeral Home.  The club made a $35 donation to St. Judes Childrens’ Hospital on her behalf.
  • An Emergency Weather net was initiated by KD4GCY- Garry at 2110 on January 2, 2023 continuing until 2325 due to regional severe weather and tornado warnings.  Thankfully there was no severe damage or loss of life reported.  There were 17 check-ins during the emergency.
  • KD4GCY-Garry informed us of the National Weather Service Ambassador program.  “The Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador™ initiative is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) effort to formally recognize NOAA partners who are improving the nation’s readiness, responsiveness, and overall resilience against extreme weather, water, and climate events. As a WRN Ambassador, partners commit to working with NOAA and other Ambassadors to strengthen national resilience against extreme weather. In effect, the WRN Ambassador initiative helps unify the efforts across government, non-profits, academia, and private industry toward making the nation more ready, responsive, and resilient against extreme environmental hazards. Weather-Ready Nation (WRN) is a strategic outcome where society’s response should be equal to the risk from all extreme weather, water, and climate hazards.” https://www.weather.gov/wrn/ambassadors
  • KN4TIP- Michael presented an update on the “PTT Technicians’” program up-coming to encourage 9-12 year olds and their families involved in amateur radio.  The date for the program is February 18, 2023 at 5:00 pm at Gospel Assembly Church Dining room (downstairs) located at 2100 Ohio (21st and Beltline) in Paducah, Ky.  We will have  KM4LDP- Jeff’s go box and setup, KN4TIP- Michaels 2m/Fusion setup, and we need a code operator, FT8 operator or other modes represented for the children to experience.  Over 30 agencies and individuals have been contacted to provide participants. The registrants will be limited to the first 50 children registered.  Please contact Michael via 2m or call 270-217-2315 , mdurr@comcast.net to participate.
  • The Fulton Co. Extension Office will be hosting a presentation of Amateur Radio on January 19, 2023 at 6:00 pm.  A dinner is being provided so preregistration is required
  • An updated Net Control Procedure will be uploaded to the W4NJA.ORG website
  • Net Control Operator assignments were made, and the formal portion of the meeting was adjourned at 2044

Jan 15         WD4OKO- Neal

       22        KC4WPS- Roger

       29        KY4LDS- Frank

Feb 05        KN4TIP- Michael

       12        KB9BVL- Jeff

Submitted Jan 11, 2023 by club scribe, KN4TIP- Michael   

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