Paducah Amateur Radio Association

Minutes for PARA Meeting

January 8, 2024

Club President KD4GCY-Garry presided and called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag. 

KC4WPS-Roger read the financial report.  Motion made by KO4XJ-John to accept the report as read.  Second by KF4KKZ-Bruce.  Voted and approved.

KC4WPS-Roger read the November minutes.  Motion made by W9ADN-Aidan to accept the minutes as read.  Second by AC9OO-Ed.  Voted and approved.

Election of officers was determined to stay the same with the exception of secretary; the floor was open for nominations.  Motion was made by KO4XJ-John to vote on secretary position to replace KN4TIP-Michael with K4FWO-Duane.  Seconded by K4INS-Ronnie.  Since there was no opposition; it was voted on and approved. The remaining officers on the slate will remain:

President:  KD4GCY-Garry               Vice President:  KC4DR-Don

Treasurer:  KC4WPS-Roger                Secretary:  K4FWO-Duane

Net Control Assignments

KO4ZRX-Ronnie                   January 14

KF4KKZ-Bruce                      January 21

KY4LDS-Frank                      January 28

W9ADM-Aidan                      February 4

KC4WPS-Roger                     February 11

A video presentation was presented by a group of amateur radio high school students in Pennsylvania.  They had the privilege of making contact and asking questions to the crew members of ISS (International Space Station).  This led to the discussion of contacting the Challenger Learning Center at WKCTC to possibly plan and set up an event to do something similar.

Echo Link Update

KM4LDP-Jeff is waiting for parts to update Echo Link to be placed back in service.

W4WWS-Steve has set up Echo Link on Simplex Freq. 146.445 and the Node is 642016.  Also, Steve is moving the Saturday night WinLink to Wednesday night to be after the ARES Wednesday night weekly net. 

AK4PS-Jim talked about an ARES list they have of Simplex and Repeater frequencies that are operational and up to date that could be useful in an emergency situation.  Anyone interested contact Jim.  He also discussed future exercises that will be used later on Wednesday night ARES Net.

Congratulations to KQ4HUU-Shaun and KO4AGY-Tim for passing their general class exam. 

Calendar of Events– 

There will be an in-person weather class on February 5 in Mayfield (go to NWS webpage for more information and to sign up).

There will be an eclipse on April 8. 

PARA meeting February 12 at 7:00 pm.

SIERA Club January 17 at 5:30 pm.

ARES meeting January 18 at 7:00 pm.  McCracken County EOC.

KF4KKZ-Bruce done a presentation on raspberry pie/ham clock.

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