President: Garry Wheatley, KD4GCY
Vice President: Jeff Wielgos, KB9BVL
Scribe: Ruben Fuentes, WB5WTF
Treasurer: Roger Good, KC4WPS

Meeting called to order 7:00 P.M. by President Garry Wheatley. West Kentucky Community and Technical College, 4810 Alben Barkley Dr. Paducah KY 42001 in the Conference Room.

President Wheatley opened the meeting by leading the group in a pledge to the American flag.

  • Treasurer’s report given by Roger (KC4WPS). We spent $225.68 for field day expenses
  • The minutes from the June meeting were read.
  • The Treasurer’s report and Secretary minutes were voted on and accepted.
  • Dave N4QS was interviewed by the Central Arizona DX Association about his remote radio stations. You can see the interview at https://w4nja.org/para-members-in-the-news/
  • President Wheatley thanked Mike (WA4ER) for the use of his property for 2021 Field Day and then had everyone introduce themselves to the group. 
  • There were two visitors, Patty Beechum and Lloyd Baker.
  • Charlie (K9DUE) reported that the Metropolis (Massac County Amateur Radio) Club is restarting it’s monthly meetings on the third Wednesday of each month.  He and Ruben (WB5WTF) also reported on the Massac Club’s plans to use hams at the annual Fort Massac Encampment in October, which draws thousands of visitors.  All of the Paducah hams were invited to participate.
  • There was a discussion about filling the vacant Secretary position and the need for a new office of Web Administrator.
  • Roger (KC4WPS) volunteered to be Web Administrator.
  • Ruben (WB5WTF) volunteered to be Secretary (Scribe).
  • It was decided that the “swap meet” held before the meeting had been a success and a second “swap meet” will be held in the parking lot of WKCTC at 5:00 p.m. before the September 13th PARA meeting.
  • President Wheatley also reported on the following:
    • Jeff’s (KM4LDP) medical status, saying a procedure he had done today went well.  The group was encouraged to pray for his recovery.
    • The National Weather Service is getting ready to change the way in which certain alerts are made to the public by going to a three-tier system.
  • There was discussion about a problem with a generator that was used for Field Day and it was decided that Garry (KD4GCY) will go by Mike’s and pick up both generators and take them where they need to go.
  • The Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Bruce (KS4V) and seconded by Ruben (WB5WTF) and it carried.