Minutes for PARA Meeting of July 11, 2022

Club President Garry, KD4GCY presided and called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. and led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag.

Club Scribe Michael, KN4TIP, read the Minutes of the June 13, 2022 meeting to the membership. A date was corrected in the minutes from last month.  W4WKN- Dave made a motion to approve the Minutes as amended and KM4LDP-Jeff seconded the motion.  The motion was voted on and carried.

Club Treasurer Roger, KC4WPS, read the financial report to the membership.  KM4LDP-Jeff made a motion to approve the report as read it was seconded by KG4SRK-Dennis.  The motion was voted on and carried.

There were 20 attending the meeting.  There were four guests, KJ7CPQ- Al Lake, N4NGA- Charles Spradlin, K4LJS-Karen Spradlin, and Todd Young-KO4RKC who were introduced to the membership. Charles and Karen Spradlin were attending a CDL Truck Driving School in Paducah and made contact via the repeater listed on the interstate sign coming into town.  KD4GCY-Garry made the QSO and invited them to our meeting.

President Garry led the membership in discussion on the following topics:

  • Steve Morgan- W4NHO, the state Section Manager resigned effective July 8, 2022
  • KY QSO – ND4X-Paul gave report on the recent QSO party stats. 
  • Paul also gave a report on the LoTW logbook
  • KD4GCY-Garry proposed that the Lighthouse at Grand Rivers may qualify for Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society.  We will research to see if it is included in the ARLHS World List of Lights (WLOL) and if not make application and seek to activate it.
  • Continued discussion of the purchase of the EchoLink system, improving access to the equipment, and whether it will need to be reassigned to a different call sign. We are aware that the computer will need to be replaced and other components upgraded as needed.
  • The educational program for the Seniors group is set for the fall.  We will have several stations set up for the seniors to “Get On The Air” and demonstrate some of our capabilities.  KM4LDP-Jeff will bring his “GoBox”, KN4TIP- Michael will have a 2 meter radio with SignaLink for use by the seniors. A third unit demonstrating digital modes is planned.
  • Neil reported increased activity within EM involved in amateur radio.  Emergency Management is looking to cross-train individuals from other disciplines including amateur radio operators.

Net Control Operator assignments were made, and the formal portion of the meeting was adjourned at 20:26 

KC4WPS- Roger gave a training on installation of RJ45 connectors to Cat5-E cable with demonstration of the tool to verify the connection and sequence of the cable connection.

Upcoming Net Control Operators:

July 17: KN4TIP-Michael

July 24: KC4WPS-Roger

July 31: KY4LDS-Frank

Aug 7: KM4LDP-Jeff

Submitted July 15, 2022 by KN4TIP-Michael, Club Scribe

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