President: Garry Wheatley, KD4GCY
Vice President: Jeff Wielgos, KB9BVL
Treasurer: Roger Good, KC4WPS

Meeting called to order 7:00 P.M. by President Garry Wheatley. West Kentucky Community and Technical College, 4810 Alben Barkley Dr. Paducah KY 42001 in the Conference Room. There were 20 persons in attendance.

President Wheatley opened the meeting with a moving father’s day tribute and led the group in a pledge to the American flag.

  • Treasurer’s report given by Roger Good.
  • The minutes from the May meeting were read.
  • The Treasurer’s report and minutes were voted on and accepted. Roger announced that we had 2 new PARA members
  • Much time was spent on Field Day planning. Mike Newman (WA4ER) has donated the use of his property for Field Day on June 26 this year. Antennas would be erected at 1:00 on the day before.
  • Bruce Huyck announced that Todd Young had passed the tech test.
  • President Wheatley reminded us that there will be a “swap meet” on the parking lot of WKCTC at 6:00 p.m. before next month’s July 12 PARA meeting.