Paducah Amateur Radio Association

Minutes for PARA Meeting

March 14, 2023

Club President KD4GCY-Garry presided and called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. and led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag.

Club Treasurer, KC4WPS- Roger read the Minutes of the February 13, 2023 meeting to the membership. KC4DR – Don made a motion to accept the minutes and KC4WPS- Roger seconded the motion.  The minutes were voted on and accepted as read.

Club Treasurer KC4WPS- Roger read the financial report to the membership.  He noted the purchase of two new CDs.  KC4DR-Don made a motion to approve the report as read. The motion was voted on and carried. 

President Garry led the membership in discussion on the following topics:

Club Scribe: We need a person to take over the duties of Club Scribe in the absence of KN4TIP- Michael.

70th Anniversary of PARA:  KB9BVL-Jeff led a discussion on how we can celebrate with a special event station. KB9BVL-Jeff made a motion that we operate a special event station to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the club.  The motion was seconded by W9ADN-Aidan. The motion was voted on and carried.

Echolink:  The status and possible solutions to the ongoing Echolink problems were discussed.

Iron Mom run: May 13, 2023. 

New Fulton County repeater:  145.270 – 100.0

KN4TIP- Michael texted an update on the “PTT Technicians’” program up-coming to encourage 9-12 year olds and their families involved in amateur radio. He need instructors for at least the first two classes. Here are the particulars: We have scheduled 4 successive Saturdays from 3-6 pm: March 18, March 25, April 1, and April 8 for Amateur Radio classes for kids. We have reserved the church basement dining room at Gospel Assembly Church, 2100 Ohio St (belt line) for those dates and times.  Please contact Michael via 2m or call 270-217-2315 , to participate.

Introductions : since there were many visitors at the meeting, KD4GCY-Garry went around the room for introductions. 

Net Control Operator assignments were made, and the formal portion of the meeting was adjourned at 2100.

Mar 19 – KN4TIP – Michael

Mar 26 – KY4LDS – Frank

Apr 2 – KW4DI – Ken

Apr 9 – KB9BVL – Jeff


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