Minutes for PARA Meeting of May 09, 2022

Club President KD4GCY-Garry presided and called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. and led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag.

Club Scribe KN4TIP-Michael, read the Minutes of the April 11, 2022 meeting to the membership.  KM4LDP-Jeff made a motion to approve the Minutes as read and KC4WPS-Roger seconded the motion.  The motion was voted on and carried.

Club Treasurer KC4WPS-Roger, read the financial report to the membership.  KM4LDP-Jeff made a motion to approve the report as read and KC4DR-Don seconded it.  The motion was voted on and carried.

There were 21 members in attendance.

President KD4GCY-Garry led the membership in discussion on the following topics:

  • KO4ASI-Vickie Siedel promoting Health Care facilities to become more involved in Amateur Radio.  It seems to be a mandated plan by the government. We are looking forward to assisting this effort to identify amateur radios and operators within our area hospitals. She is active on the PARA repeater on Tuesdays, about 12 noon.
  • A hospital test conducted  Friday, May 6, 2022 with multiple modes used and several agencies participating.
  • The Lewis and Clark On The Air  Event June 4, 2022- June 19th,2022.  event sponsors are not responding Garry.  We will try to obtain a phone number to make contact
  • Malcolm Williams KK4RGM went Silent Key Mar 4, 2022. 
  • KY4CSN-Carson was introduced to the group.  Carson is a sophomore in high school. We heartily welcome these young amateur operators
  • The annual Armed Forces Day Crossband exercise will be on May 14, 2022  1300-2200 UTC on 60m USB  with 5 channels designated for communication. Channel 1 (5330.5KhZ) is the primary frequency  to give directions for each region.  Our region is “4”.  A 60m high power broadcast will begin at 0200UTC  with details.
  • Laura Pfleuger wishes to thank us for contribution to her selected charity on behalf of her mother who passed away.
  • K4GYD-Ron identified we have a letterhead already established  and is sending  a copy to KC4WPS-Roger
  • Princeton has a “Tailgaiter” swap meet on June 4, 2022 at the Princeton airport.  It is also the KY QSO date June 4-5,2022
  • EchoLink has been not functioning properly. We are discussing whether we should offer to purchase the system from Dr. James Vanhoose
  • Field Day- June 25, 2022. WA4ER- Mike as offered his property again for use.  We are considering KY9I- Jason using QRP at the same time, however we are looking at possible conflicts on the bands
  • WD4OKO-Neal Krinard- Deputy Director Emergency Communications spoke about new relations with the McCracken Emergency Management
  • KY4LDS- Frank brought his Radiation Meter for discussion post meeting
  • KC4DR-Don made motion to dismiss, seconded by AC9OO- Ed   Meeting closed at 2029

Net Control Operator assignments :

May 15- KN4TIP Mike

May 22- KC4WPS Roger

May 29- KY4LDS Frank

Jun 06-  KB9BVL Jeff

Jun 12- KY4CSN Carson

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