Pictured above in foreground, L to R:  Jason Brambach being congratulated by Ken Krahl (KM4DTS) for Jason’s recent success passing the Technician, General and Extra exams all in the same sitting.

PARA Meeting Minutes 5/09/2016

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Paducah Amateur Radio Association was held Monday, May 9 at the WKCTC Emerging Technology Center, room 140, in Paducah, KY.  Among the 28 attendees present, two came for FCC exams, one came as a new licensee, and another came to upgrade an existing license.   See pictures and names below.

The meeting was opened by President Jeff Wielgos (KB9BVL) followed by the treasurer’s report given by Bruce Huyck (KS4V), which was subsequently approved by the members.  Then Secretary Ron Cowherd (K4GYD) read the minutes from the March meeting, which was also accepted by the members present.  President Wielgos invited each attendee around the room to introduce themselves giving their name and call.

Old/New Business

Items discussed include:

  • Field Day (June 25-26) activities at Kyler Park will follow the same procedures that have worked in the past.  The three station rigs and their antennas will be available from last year.  Generators will be supplied by Emergency Services.  Publicity and media will be utilized.  It was moved, seconded and voted upon that $300 will be allotted for food and incidentals that may be needed.  It was brought out that the weaknesses from past years occurred when ops were not available to man stations throughout Saturday night.  Volunteers signed a list circulated among the attendees in hopes that the deficiencies of past years will not be a problem this year.
  • It was the opinion of the club that the National Parks On The Air project at the Paducah waterfront should be activated during the month of  September.
  • Charlie Richey (W9DUE) Massac Co. Emergency Coordinator, reminded us of the importance of earthquake awareness.  The 3.5 earthquake that we recently experienced should be a warning for ever-ready preparedness.  Charlie also related that amateur radio is exempt from the Distracted Driving Bill that is currently before congress since we do not fall into the “cell phone” category.

Net Controls for late May/early June

Sunday night nets are at 9:00 PM CDT on 147.060 PL 179.9

May 15                        Beth KI4ZAK                    7 checkins

May 22                        Steve NW9W                 14 checkins

May 29                        Frank KY4LDS               11 checkins

June 5                          Logan KG4VKB              13 checkins + 7 ARES

June 12                        Ken KW4DI                     12 checkins

Recent FCC License successes 

Congratulations to the following who are new hams or have upgraded their license:

May 7th:  Bill Brown – Technician;  Randall Potempa – Technician;  James Rasor – General;  Eddy Sobkowiak Jr – Extra;  Pat Gupton – Technician;  Jason Brambach – Technician, General & Extra.

May 9th:  Richard Williams – Technician;  Beth Gupton – Extra.

Richard Williams – Tech



Beth Gupton (KI4ZAK) Extra







Ed Sobkowiak (KB9UVL Extra

Contest Success Stats

Paul Smith (ND4X) reported his very admirable Florida QSO Party results:

Paul Smith FlQPY jpg

National Parks On The Air current (6/13/16) scores:

Bruce Huyck, 186 confirmed contacts, 7th in KY;  Ron Cowherd, 104 confirmed contacts, 11th in KY.




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