Minutes for PARA Meeting of November 14, 2022

Club President KDGCY-Garry, presided and called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. and led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag.  Garry reminded us of the special significance of the pledge on this Veteran’s Day weekend.

We had fourteen members present, and also K4HNJ-Don (Donald Lindsey) who recently moved here from Florida, and Duane Rose, a Paducah resident who is currently studying for a Technician license.  We introduced ourselves around the room to our guests.

Club Scribe Michael, KN4TIP, read the Minutes of the October 10, 2022 meeting to the membership. ND4X-Paul made a motion to approve the Minutes as read and W4WKN-Dave seconded the motion.  The motion was voted on and carried.

Club Treasurer Roger, KC4WPS, read the financial report to the membership.  He reported there are 42 paid members.  KG4SRK-Dennis made a motion to approve the Report as read . KC4WPS-Roger 2nd the motion.  The motion was voted on and carried.

President Garry led the membership in discussion on the following topics:

  • Prayer requests by KN4TIP-Michael for his right hip being evaluated for circulations issues.
  • Chris Noles provided a phone number for ease in contacting the National Weather Service with either text or pictures of adverse weather. The number is 270-681-2694 and is monitored in the NWS Paducah location. 
  • ND4X-Paul reported our information on the W4NJA website to access the Packet Dx clusters.  This information is valuable when activating or hunting POTA (Parks On The Air) contacts.
    A search of  will open the POTA contact website.  The website automatically records “hunters” contacts when the “activators” upload the contact information.  Awards are given for a variety of accomplishments. 
  • KN4TIP- Michael inquired of the progress of the committee to review and edit the “Net Control Procedures”.  KD4GCY- Garry requested same to transcribe his interpretation of the current procedures to be utilized.
  • KN4TIP-Michael is spearheading a program to enlist parents and their 9-12 year old children to become involved in Amateur Radio.  Commitment from the club was given to provide entry level radios to the children when they become licensed.  Further actions are tabled for further discussion
  • Skywarn Recognition Day occurs the first Saturday of December each year. Amateur Operators have been invited to operate from the NWS between the hours of 6pm Friday, Dec. 2 to 6pm Sat, Dec 3.  Contacts from amateur operators wishing to work multiple NWS stations will receive a variety of certificates. Please contact the office to be added to the list. 
  • The Southernmost Illinois Emergency Radio Association (SIERA) meetings will be held on 3rd Wed 5:30pm at 605 Metropolis St.
  • Up-coming events:  ARES meets Nov. 17, 2022 at the McCracken County EOC on Coleman Rd at 7:00 pm local time. A meeting of the NWS supervisors will meet at the same time in Grand Rivers.  Trent Okerson of WPSD weather is presenting a program on the Mayfield tornado occurring December 2021 at the McCracken Public Library.  There is a Remembrance Walk scheduled in Mayfield also for the tornado. 
  • The January 9, 2023 meeting will be presided over by KC4DR-Don at the request of KD4GCY- Garry who will be absent. 

Net Control Operator assignments were made and the formal portion of the meeting was adjourned at 8:58 pm


11-20         KB9BVL-Jeff

11-27         KY4LDS- Frank

12-04         KD4GCY-Garry

12-11         WD4OKO-Neal

12-18         KN4TIP- Michael

12-25         Christmas Holiday- No Net

01-01 New Year’s Holiday- No Net

01-08        KN4TIP- Michael

Show and Tell: 

KY4LDS- Frank demonstrated a 3rd compressed air cannon device used to launch antenna pull lines.  He said this one is the most accurate of the launch systems he has acquired. 

Submitted Nov 15, 2022  by KN4TIP-Michael, Club Scribe

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