Paducah Amateur Radio Association

Minutes for PARA Meeting

November 13, 2023

Club President KD4GCY-Garry presided and called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag.   Attendance this evening was 26 including guests.  We welcome our visitors as always.

KC4WPS-Roger read the financial report.  Motion made by KC4DR-Don to accept the report as read.  Second by KM4LDP-Jeff.  Voted and approved.

K4FWO-Duane read the October minutes.  Motion made by KF4KKZ-Bruce to accept the minutes as read.  Second by KC4WPS-Roger.  Voted and approved.

We had one to take his Amateur Extra Test and pass.  Congratulations KQ4KXF-Duke.

 KO4ZRX-Ronnie did a POTA Activation at Metropolis Lake on November 11th and four from the club were in attendance.  Thanks for demonstrating a POTA Activation. 

Thank you to KF4KKZ-Bruce and KY4A-Greg for putting together the Foxhunt.  It was a success.  There were several from the club in attendance.

There will be no scheduled PARA Nets on the 24th-31st of December. 

Queston and Answer Open Forum (Ragchew) every Tuesday night at 7:00 pm.

ARES Net every Wednesday 7:00 pm.  Both are on W4NJA Repeater.

Calendar of Events– 

NWS Winter Weather Spotting Webinar – November 30th  – 6:00-8:30 pm  Must preregister.

Christmas Party – El Torito Cairo Rd. – December 11th – 6:00 pm        

PARA Meeting – January 8, 2024 – WKCTC – 7:00 pm

Net Control:

    KF4KKZ-Bruce                     November 19

    KY4LDS-Frank                      November 26

     KY4JDC-Ga. Jeff                   December 3

      K4FWO-Duane                    December 10

       KM4LDP-Jethro                   December 17

       NO NET                                December 24

        NO NET                                December 31

         KD4GCY-Garry                     January 7                                

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