The regularly scheduled meeting of the Paducah Amateur Radio Association (PARA) was held, 7:00 PM, Monday, November 9, 2020 with Roger Good (KC4WPS) in charge of the double ZOOM link (90minutes). The meeting was opened and hosted by PARA President, Jeff Wielgos (KB9BVL) 15 members were checked in.

Club Business Items:

  • The Secretary’s Report of the September meeting was given by Ron Cowherd and the Treasurer’s Report was given by Roger Good. A motion was made to accept the two reports. The two reports were unanimously voted to accept.
  • President Jeff reminded us that dues for the coming year should begin with the month of December. It was also suggested that without a time to give the money to Roger in person, that an address be given where the dues can be mailed. Roger will look into Pay Pal as an alternate means of collecting dues.
  • Jeff introduced us to a website that gives information to weather spotters via sharing mini courses. eg. basic radar, winter weather tornado safety etc. Jeff’s wife, who is employed by the local weather service, is the author of several of the courses within the series. These courses already have been drawing outstanding reviews.
  • President Jeff showed us a website that showed sunspot activity which may be evidence that it is the beginning of sunspot Cycle 25. See additional info, Jeff also mentioned meteor scatter activity with the Leonids (Nov.6 to Nov. 30) See additional info, There are several PARA members that use JSJT MSK144 to make contacts. This app requires special 6 meter or 2 meter operating techniques but works well with modern transceivers. See Ron Cowherd K4GYD and Ken Wontor KW4ID for more information.
  • It was brought up that since we aren’t having a December Christmas party this year, we should have another virtual Zoom meeting in its place. Ed Pflueger suggested we have a Christmas door prize to make the meeting special. Ed has has in his closet an Icom 207, two meter, 440 mc. transceiver that belonged to Bob Beadles, now a Silent Key. The radio was donated to the club by Bob’s family. We talked about the need to advertise this special event. The Zoom meeting is scheduled for December 14th, 7:00 pm. Roger will send us details later.
  • Rueben Fuentas announced that there will be a fund raiser for Harold Hicks (KC9ZZA), a member/leader in the Metropolis ham club. He recently fell, broke his arm, and a then to add to his bad luck, a few days later his house burned down. Unfortunately the house was uninsured. The time of the fund raiser is Saturday, Nov. 14th, 10:00-3:00, at Fort Massac State Park, Metropolis, IL. It’s a good cause and much fun.


Sunday night nets are at 9:00 PM on 147.060 MHZ. PL 179.9

November 15 – Roger KC4WPS – 21 ck-ins

November 22 – Jeff KB9BVL – 16 ck-ins

November 29 – Frank KY4LDS – 21 ck-ins

December 6 – Steve NW9W – 16 ck-ins

December 13 – Michael KN4TIP – 21 ck-ins

December 13 – Logan KG4VKB – 13 ARES ck-ins                     


PARA meetings happen each month on the 2nd Monday, 7 pm, except December.  President Wielgos Jeff suggested that we should plan on future ZOOM monthly meetings until Covid19 subsides. Roger Good will email ZOOM app instructions, ID and password, before each meeting date to those who are on the member list.

New License and upgrade exams will be offered.  Address above.  Exams or normally given at the close of each meeting night throughout the year.  See W4NJA web site for info.  Click button at the top of the page:   About Us, then VE License Testing.  Also, you may call Fred Carter (AI4EY) and leave a message at (270)210-3628 if you wish to take a test at the next meeting.  Please notice:  We probably won’t be able to administer exams until we are able to resume use of the WKCTC facility.

Prospective hams in search of general info concerning the hobby may Google and click on relevant headings.

The Sunday Night PARA Emergency Net meets each Sunday night at 9 PM.  All amateur radio operators are invited to check in. 147.060 PL 179.9  The ARES monthly net convenes immediately following PARA net on the first Sunday night of each month. Echo Link check-ins are welcome.

CW round table for on-the-air operating practice, 6:30 pm Tuesday and Thursday evenings.  Meet on W4NJA 147.060 repeater at 6:30 to get instructions.

Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) meetings are normally held at 7:00 pm on 3rd Thursdays, however the next meeting will be on October 22nd, to be located at Logan Blewett’s home/church located at 227 Farley Place, Paducah, 42003.  Farley Place is just off Clements St. which connects Bridge Street with I-24 loop. 

Metropolis net  Thursdays 8:15, 146.655 – 600, PL179.9, The Massac club call is now known as W9DUE.  147.225 is old repeater freq. 

Draffenville net Wednesdays 9:00 145.390 PL118.8

Metropolis Ham Study Class: October 3rd, 0900 TO 1400, Grace Church,  10th street,     Review session with test to follow.  90% pass rate, email Charlie Richey (K9DUE) or call (618) 309-6911 to preregister. Questions answered at same number.

Wickliffe, recently put a new repeater (KA9SKT) on line, using the same machine that was formally located at Cairo, IL, using the same freq. (147.180 mh.), and tone (88.5 PL).


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