Meeting of Sept, 12, 2022

Club President Garry, KD4GCY presided and called the meeting to order at 1902 and led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag.

There were 19 attendees at the meeting.  There were two guest speakers, KJ4CRV-Chris Noles, NWS Lead Forecaster and Kim Clark, 911 Dispatcher- Communications were introduced to the membership.

The business portion of the meeting was delayed allowing our speakers to go first:

Chris Noles started by opening for questions following our ARES meeting presentation. They are moving forward to ensure a strong presence in Amateur Radio.

Kim Clark, ENP presented a power point presentation. She amassed a great deal of experience through different communications and administrative positions. She is certified as an ENP- Emergency Number Professional and a CMCP – Communication Manager Certification Program.  She is the current manager of the Paducah Central Dispatch.  Dispatch has acquired cutting edge technology to locate individuals via cell phone for rapid deployment.  Unfortunately, dispatch is still limited to an outdated Motorola console running on XP software outdated in 2014.  There are currently 5 telecommunicator  positions open. 

Club president KD4GCY-Garry opened the business meeting with the following topics

  • September 22, 2022 2:00 pm “Seniors Learning For Fun” program at WKCTC conference room.  Several operators are committed to have radio equipment available for GOTA.
  • ARRL membership application may submitted to Roger Good-Treasurer during the months of September and October so he can send to ARRL as a batch to limit paperwork
  • A reminder that the December meeting will be cancelled in lieu of the December 12, 2022 dinner meeting at Casa Mexicana 4793 Village Square Dr #1, Paducah, Kentucky
  • KB9BVL- Jeff has acquired three inexpensive handhelds. There was discussion to sell to any club members for $20 each.

A motion was made by KC4WPS­- Roger to make the radios available to new hams if needed that don’t have a radio.  The motion was amended to make KB9BVL- Jeff solely responsible for distributing the equipment as determined by need. The motion as amended was seconded by KM4LDP- Jeff.  The motion carried.

Club Treasurer Roger, KC4WPS, read the financial report to the membership.  made a motion to approve the Report as read with one correction.  A motion was made to approve the report by KM4LDP-Jeff and was seconded by W4WKN- Dave.  The motion carried.

Club Scribe KN4TIP- Michael read the Minutes of the Aug 8, 2022 meeting to the membership. KC4WPS-Roger made a motion to approve the Minutes as read and KM4LDP-Jeff 2nd the motion.  The motion carried.

Net Control Operator assignments were made, and the formal portion of the meeting was adjourned at 2037.

Sept. 18: KN4TIP-Michael

Sept. 25: KY4LDS- Frank

Oct. 2   : KN4TIP- Michael

Oct. 9   : KB9BVL- Jeff

    Submitted by KN4TIP-Michael, Club Scribe

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