The regularly scheduled meeting of the Paducah Amateur Radio Association was held Monday, September 9, 2019 at the WKCTC Emerging Technology Center, Room 140, in Paducah, KY.  There were 20 members and guests present.  Two came for FCC VE testing.  See pictures below.  The meeting was opened by PARA President, Jeff Wielgos KB9BVL.  Jeff welcomed us and asked each attendee around the room to give their name, amateur call and tell the name of someone whose radio shacks they had visited.

Club Business Items

  • Ron Cowherd gave the Secretary’s Report, highlighting the PARA club business items from the August meeting.  It was moved and second to accept the Secretary’s  minutes.
  • Roger Good led a discussion of pro-rating dues.  His treasurer’s report was made and accepted.
  •  There was a short review about the CW Roundtable.  The Roundtable is now at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.  We meet first on the PARA 06 machine to determine a frequency, usually on or about 7.061.   Those who have been meeting have become quite proficient but the speed of sending will be adjusted to whatever speed is comfortable for all.  The best thing about our group is that there is no pressure and no one feels self-conscience if not being perfect.  We all are learning from each other.  Quite often after the CW session we discuss our strengths and weaknesses of copy and sending.  All are welcome.
  • There was a discussion of KY QSO plaques and someone that Wallace Shankle had spoken to that would make the plaques for $20 each.  A motion was made and seconded to purchase.  It is expected that most of the cost will be reimbursed as it was last year.
  • Charlie Richey gave us a report of the very active amateur participation in Southern Illinois.  The Metropolis repeater now in operation on 146.655 mhz, PL 179.9.

Net Control Operators

Sunday night nets are at 9:00 PM on 147.060 MHZ. PL 179.9

September 15      Roger KC4WDS    16 PARA  ck-ins

September 22      Jeff KB9BVL          12 PARA  ck-ins

September 29      Frank KY4LDS     15 PARA  ck-ins

October 6              Ken KW4DI          18 PARA  ck-ins

October 13            Ron K4GYD          13 PARA  ck-ins

New License Successes

We are happy to report that Jedediah Lamb (L) successfully passed the Technician class license.  Marton Wilson (R) (KN4PBC)  successfully upgraded to the General class license.  Congratulations Jedediah and Marton.  We cordially invite you to enjoy your new licenses and join us at future monthly meetings.



  • PARA meets at Emerging Technology Center, WKCTC on 2nd Monday, 7 pm, each month except December.  Prospective hams in search of general info concerning the hobby may Google and click on relevant headings.
  • New License and upgrade exams are offered at the close of each meeting night throughout the year.  See W4NJA web site for info.  Click button at the top of the page:   About Us, then VE License Testing.  Also, you may call Fred Carter (AI4EY) and leave a message at (270)210-3628 if you wish to take a test at the next meeting.
  • The Sunday Night PARA Emergency Net meets each Sunday night at 9 PM.  All amateur radio operators are invited to check in. 147.060 PL 179.9  The ARES monthly net convenes immediately following PARA net on the first Sunday night of each month.
  • CW round table for on-the-air operating practice, 6:30 pm Tuesday and Thursday evenings.  Meet on W4NJA 147.060 repeater at 7:00 to get instructions.
  • Amateur Radio Emergency Services meetings are held at 7:00 pm on 3rd Thursdays, 3700 Coleman Road EOC building in the Jack Johnston meeting room.

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