PARA Meeting Minutes 7/11/2016

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Paducah Amateur Radio Association was held Monday, July 11 at the WKCTC Emerging Technology Center, Room 140, in Paducah, KY.  There were 26 present.

The meeting was opened by President Jeff Wielgos (KB9BVL).  Jeff invited each attendee around the room to introduce themselves with their name and call.   The treasurer’s report given by Bruce Huyck (KS4V), and the Secretary’s reading of the minutes by Ron Cowherd (K4GYD)  were subsequently approved by the members.

Old/New Business

Items discussed include:

  •  Field Day (Saturday, June 25) was the focus of discussion through much of the evening’s meeting, starting out with a slideshow with snapshots compliments of Steve and Beth Gupton.
  • Paul Smith summarized FD QSO numbers and compared them with 2015 results, (See stats below).
  • Bruce Huyck reviewed and explained how the FD 1,250 bonus points were earned.  We will find out later how our total scores compare with the many other clubs in the state and nation.
  • Ken Wontor suggested the importance of designating the required pavilions by number on the Kyler Park certification form next year.
  • There were many comments of appreciation for outstanding contributions to the success of the 2016 Field Day event, for example:  The McCracken County Emergency Management for the use of their Mobile Command Center, generators and gasoline to run them.  Also named were WPSD TV and The Paducah Sun for their excellent coverage.  It was also mentioned that there were more than adequate club members available this year for station operations and set-up/take-down/cleanup activities.
  • Other items that were briefly brought up were upcoming hamfests:  The Huntsville, Alabama Hamfest, August 20 and 21 and The Middle Tennessee Hamfest at Lebanon, Tennessee, July 31.
  • Dave Perry (N4QS) told of his latest trip to Aruba to participate in the 2016 CQ World Wide WPX Contest CW.  He also talked of his long friendly association with Zoran, YU7KW from Serbia who also participated with the team.  The group placed 5th in the world in their category.

Net Controls for Late July/Early August

Sunday night nets are at 9:00 PM CDT on 147.060 PL 179.9.  See net control procedures here.

July 17              Jeff KB9BVL

July 24             Ken KW4DI            10 checkins

July 31              Frank KY4LDS      12 checkins

August 7         Logan KG4VKB     12 PARA net – 9 ARES

2016 Field day totals

Band Mode – QSOs

3.5    CW   –   155;    LSB   –   83

7       CW   –   318;    LSB  –  413;   RTTY  –  50

14      CW   –   222;   RTTY  –  75;    USB  –  112

21       CW   –     79;    USB   –     3

Total  QSO’s:  1510

2016 Field Day Slide Show (pictures by Ron Cowherd)






PARA Meeting Minutes 6/13/2016

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Paducah Amateur Radio Association was held Monday, June 13 at the WKCTC Emerging Technology Center, Room 140, in Paducah, KY.  Among the 25 attendees present, two came for FCC license upgrade exams.

The meeting was opened by Vice President Ken Wontor (KW4DI).  Ken invited each attendee around the room to introduce themselves with their name and call.   The treasurer’s report given by Bruce Huyck (KS4V), and the Secretary’s reading of the minutes by Ron Cowherd (K4GYD)  were subsequently approved by the members.

Old/New Business

Items discussed include:

  • Final planning for Field Day (June 25-26)  was the focus of the meeting.  Ken Wontor reviewed a list of important Field Day needs, one by one, to double check that all bases were covered.  In addition, various members commented on some positive and negative aspects of former years that we could apply for the betterment of this year’s event.  There were comments about the importance of having an adequate pool of potential operators present to rotate with active ops,  both day and night.  There will be two stations set up in the McCracken County Mobile Command Center, SSB and RTTY and a CW station in pavilion.  Set up will begin about 8:00 a.m. Saturday.  We were also reminded that as many members as possible are needed at end of event on Sunday to help with take down and clean up.

Net Controls for Late June/Early July

Sunday night nets are at 9:00 PM CDT on 147.060 PL 179.9.  See net control procedures here.

June 19             Beth AK4BG                  15 checkins

June 26             Frank KY4LDS              10 checkins

July 3                  Logan KG4VKB             9 PARA – 3 ARES checkins

July 10                Ken KW4DI                   10 checkins

Recent FCC License successes

Congratulations to Ken Krahl (KM4DTS) and Brent Robertson (W4CHE) who have recently upgraded their licenses to Extra Class:

Bren t Robertson
Brent Robertson W4CHE
Ken Kraal KM4DTS








Contest Success Stats

Paul Smith (ND4X) placed 4th in the ARRL 10 meter contest with a very admirable total of 98,511 points.

National Parks On The Air current (7/11/16) Kentucky scores:  Bruce Huyck, 217 confirmed contacts;  Ron Cowherd, 118 confirmed contacts; Dave Dewey, 24 confirmed contacts.

Dave Perry (N4QS) in Aruba for CQ WW WPX CW contest, May 28 & 29.                                            Call: P4/N4QSOperator(s): N4QS YU7KW; Station: P49V Class: M/S HP
QTH: Aruba; Operating Time (hrs): 48;   Location:  South America.   Total QSOs:  3233; Prefixes:  1044; Total Score:  13,335,012






Pictured above in foreground, L to R:  Jason Brambach being congratulated by Ken Krahl (KM4DTS) for Jason’s recent success passing the Technician, General and Extra exams all in the same sitting.

PARA Meeting Minutes 5/09/2016

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Paducah Amateur Radio Association was held Monday, May 9 at the WKCTC Emerging Technology Center, room 140, in Paducah, KY.  Among the 28 attendees present, two came for FCC exams, one came as a new licensee, and another came to upgrade an existing license.   See pictures and names below.

The meeting was opened by President Jeff Wielgos (KB9BVL) followed by the treasurer’s report given by Bruce Huyck (KS4V), which was subsequently approved by the members.  Then Secretary Ron Cowherd (K4GYD) read the minutes from the March meeting, which was also accepted by the members present.  President Wielgos invited each attendee around the room to introduce themselves giving their name and call.

Old/New Business

Items discussed include:

  • Field Day (June 25-26) activities at Kyler Park will follow the same procedures that have worked in the past.  The three station rigs and their antennas will be available from last year.  Generators will be supplied by Emergency Services.  Publicity and media will be utilized.  It was moved, seconded and voted upon that $300 will be allotted for food and incidentals that may be needed.  It was brought out that the weaknesses from past years occurred when ops were not available to man stations throughout Saturday night.  Volunteers signed a list circulated among the attendees in hopes that the deficiencies of past years will not be a problem this year.
  • It was the opinion of the club that the National Parks On The Air project at the Paducah waterfront should be activated during the month of  September.
  • Charlie Richey (W9DUE) Massac Co. Emergency Coordinator, reminded us of the importance of earthquake awareness.  The 3.5 earthquake that we recently experienced should be a warning for ever-ready preparedness.  Charlie also related that amateur radio is exempt from the Distracted Driving Bill that is currently before congress since we do not fall into the “cell phone” category.

Net Controls for late May/early June

Sunday night nets are at 9:00 PM CDT on 147.060 PL 179.9

May 15                        Beth KI4ZAK                    7 checkins

May 22                        Steve NW9W                 14 checkins

May 29                        Frank KY4LDS               11 checkins

June 5                          Logan KG4VKB              13 checkins + 7 ARES

June 12                        Ken KW4DI                     12 checkins

Recent FCC License successes 

Congratulations to the following who are new hams or have upgraded their license:

May 7th:  Bill Brown – Technician;  Randall Potempa – Technician;  James Rasor – General;  Eddy Sobkowiak Jr – Extra;  Pat Gupton – Technician;  Jason Brambach – Technician, General & Extra.

May 9th:  Richard Williams – Technician;  Beth Gupton – Extra.

Richard Williams – Tech



Beth Gupton (KI4ZAK) Extra







Ed Sobkowiak (KB9UVL Extra

Contest Success Stats

Paul Smith (ND4X) reported his very admirable Florida QSO Party results:

Paul Smith FlQPY jpg

National Parks On The Air current (6/13/16) scores:

Bruce Huyck, 186 confirmed contacts, 7th in KY;  Ron Cowherd, 104 confirmed contacts, 11th in KY.





PARA Meeting Minutes 4/11/2016

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Paducah Amateur Radio Association was held Monday, April 11 at the WKCTC Emerging Technology Center, room 140, in Paducah, KY.  Among the 25 attendees present two came for FCC exams, one came as a new licensee, and another came to upgrade an existing license.   See pictures and names below.

The meeting was opened by President Jeff Wielgos (KB9BVL) followed by the treasurer’s report given by Bruyce Huyck (KS4V), which was subsequently approved by the members.  Then Secretary Ron Cowherd (K4GYD) read the minutes from the March meeting, also accepted by the members present.  President Wielgos invited each attendee around the room to introduce themselves giving name and call.

Old/New Business

Items discussed but not moved or voted upon include:

  • Several members related their operating experiences with two recent rare Expeditions, VK0EK Heard Island and FT4JA Juan De Nova.
  • Ed Pflueger (AB4IQ) gave a report about the Reelfoot Hamfest that was held March 26.  Ed was a featured speaker as well as an attendee.
  • Jason Brambach reported on his enjoyable experience with the first McCracken County Amateur radio Emergency Services Technician Class Amateur radio license class.  The classes started Saturday April 9th and will run four weeks concluding May 7th with a test session.  Six prospective new hams attended the first session, however it may not be too late to participate.  Contact:  KJ4OKY@gmail.com for specific info.  Garry Wheatley (KD4GCY) Electronics instructor at McCracken Co HS, is one of the teachers.
  • There is still interest in activating a National Parks On The Air operation at the foot of Broadway in Paducah this spring or early summer.  The National Parks have posted on their website under Places to Go in Kentucky:  Paducah Waterfront foot of Broadway Historical Significance: “Paducah was a water route site that witnessed the passage of four of the 17 Trail of Tears detachments. Perhaps all of these detachments tied up to the Paducah waterfront. For example, the detachment headed by Gustavus Drane purchased some supplies in Paducah and the Cherokees’ Principal Chief John Ross stopped here (as part of the Drew Detachment) during midwinter 1838-1839. This is one of the few water route sites where detachments are known to have stopped.  www.nps.gov  Bruce (KS4V) with 142 confirmed contacts and Ron (K4GYD) with 92 confirmed are still in the top 11 NPOTA “chasers” in Kentucky.
  • Ron (K4GYD) made a few comments about Sunday night net control logging responsibilities.  It is the opinion of John Hudson (Ko4XJ) a past Emergency Coordinator, the PARA emergency practice net does not need to report their activities.  However, Gerry Wheatley (present Emergency Coordinator) will add our activity to his report, therefore we will continue to publish checkin numbers on the club web page for his benefit.  The local ARES net which operates one Sunday night a month following the club net, should report their activities to the state coordinator.   Logan Blewett (KG4VKB) is net control.

Net Controls for late April/early May


April 17 Brent W4CHE                 12 checkins
April 24 Frank KY4LDS                15 checkins
May 1 Jeff KB9BVL                     14 checkins
May 8 Ken KW4DI                      11 checkins


President Wielgos brought a video of the latest BS7SH Scarborough Reef Expedition, April 2007.  It was a very controversial decision by the DXCC commission to include Scarborough Reef in the DXCC list.  Many believed the location in the South China Sea, about half way between the Phillippines  and China to be too small, too dangerous and too politically sensitive.  Many thought that an island small enough to be measured with a tape measure was too small anyway.  At high tide, the coral reef was inundated so the scaffolding for the generator, antennas and gear had to be constructed during low tides.  Even so, the crew was able to complete 5,000 QSO’s. The cinematography was quite good, very well depicting the hardships involved.  Thanks Jeff, for bringing this informative video to the club meeting.

New License successes

We are happy to report that two April meeting attendees have earned new license status.  Benjamin Crabtree passed his Technician exam.  Brent Robertson (W4CHE) who had just received his Tech license in March, upgraded to General Class.  Perhaps Brent will move up to Extra in May.  Congratulations Benjamin and Brent.

Benjamin Crabtree
Benjamin Crabtree
Bren t Robertson
Brent Robertson W4CHE


Ed (AB4IQ), Paul (ND4X) and Jeff (WB9BVL) preparing the computer and projector for the meeting.

PARA Meeting Minutes 3/14/2016

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Paducah Amateur Radio Association was held Monday, March 14 at the WKCTC Emerging Technology Center in Paducah, KY.  Among the 25 attendees present one came for an FCC exam, one came as a new licensee, and another one came to observe, get acquainted with PARA members and learn about Amateur Radio.  See pictures and names below.

The meeting was opened by President Jeff Wielgos (KB9BVL) followed by the treasurer’s report given by Bruyce Huyck (KS4V), which was subsequently approved by the members.  Then Secretary Ron Cowherd (K4GYD) read the minutes from the February meeting, also accepted by the members present.

Old/New Business

Items discussed but not moved or voted upon include:

  • W4NJA QSL cards.  The newly printed cards were shown by Jeff (KB9BVL).  The cards will be available in time for Field Day 2016 for contacts requesting confirmations.
  • Field Day.  Ken (KW4DI) announced that he had reserved Keilor Park for the 2016 Field Day Activities.  Ken also spoke of the liability insurance that had been secured.
  • New Extra Class Question Pool.   VE license testing chairman Bruce (KS4V) reminded us that the extra class question pool would change July 1st, 2016.
  • Local Hamfests.   Reelfoot Hamfest:  March 26, 2016.  Princeton, KY hamfest:  June 4th 2016.
  • Net Logging.  It was suggested that we should look into the ARRL/ARES recommendations for the logging of check-ins on the PARA Sunday night training net. There is a different net control each night.  Secretary Ron Cowherd will keep a record of check-in totals until the login requirements are reviewed.  Net controls may give their totals to Ron (K4GYD) at the end of each session or if Ron is not available they may email their totals to roncowherd@aol.com.  Total records will be posted on this web site starting with the March 20 session.
  • The McCracken County Amateur Radio Emergency Services along with McCracken County Emergency Services will offer an entry level class for anyone interested in obtaining a Technician Class Amateur radio License.  Classes start Saturday April 9th for four weeks and will conclude May 7th with a test session.  Contact:  KJ4OKY@gmail.com  Please pass the word!

Net Controls for late March/early April

March 20 Logan KG4VKB      11 check-ins
March 27 Jeff KB9BVL            17 check-ins
April 3 Frank KY4LDS        10 check-ins
April 10 Ken KW4DI               9 check-ins

Contest Success

The results for the North American QSO Party RTTY–July 2015 have been announced:  PARA placed 23rd world-wide, with only a three man team.    The  PARA team consisted of ND4X Paul Smith with 30,555 points, AB4IQ Ed Pflueger with 5,559 points and NU4N Dave Tucker with 165 points.  Total points came to 36,279.  This score is very commendable considering they were competing against many full five man teams.  Perhaps PARA will be represented by a five man team in 2016 with an even higher total.

The National Park Service On the Air Event Leader Board reveals two PARA hams in top 10 of 79 Kentucky Chaser scores:  Bruce (KS4V) 103 confirmed contacts and Ron (K4GYD) 65 confirmed.  This is a year long event sponsored by ARRL to help celebrate the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service.

New License Successes

Jason Brambach
Jason Brambach

We are happy to report that two March meeting attendees are new Technicians.  Michael Matzafol passed his Technician exam.  Brent Robertson (W4CHE) just received his Tech license and Jason Brambach came to the meeting to become acquainted with our club members and gain additional knowledge of the testing procedure.  Congratulations Michael and Brent.  I’m sure we will be congratulating Jason soon.


Bren t Robertson
Brent Robertson W4CHE
Michael Matzafol
Michael Matzafol

February Monthly Meeting

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Paducah Amateur Radio Association was held Monday, February 8 at the WKCTC Emerging Technology Center in Paducah, KY.  A prediction of snow showers for the evening did not deter approximately 20 members.  There was much anticipation for the presentation to be given by Dave Perry (N4QS) later in the meeting.  It was ironic that Dave’s subject about emerging technology in amateur radio was to be presented at the Emerging Technology Center . See presentation info below.

PARA Meeting Minutes 2/9/16

The meeting was opened by President Jeff Wielgos (KB9BVL) followed by the treasurer’s report given by Bruyce Huyck (KS4V) which was subsequently approved by the members.  Then Secretary Ron Cowherd read the minutes from the January meeting, also accepted by the members present.

Old Business.  

President Wielgos touched on an item from the January meeting in which it was    suggested that the club may want to look into the possibility of participating in the ARRL National Parks On The Air (NPOTA), a year long event.  After some discussion it was decided that we should look into the rules to determine whether Paducah’s “foot of Broadway” location qualifies as an activator spot on the “Trail of Tears.”  It was decided that we have all year to look into the matter to properly plan for this event during a warmer a time.

New Business

 Liability Insurance.  Bruce Huyck reminded us that it was time to pay the club liability insurance in the amount of $240.00.  A motion was moved, seconded and passed to pay for the insurance.

Treasurer Huyck requested that an additional person’s name be added to the checking account to provide check writing continuity in case he, for some reason, he wasn’t available to write a check.  It was suggested that the secretary would be the likely person.  Ron agreed to the request.

Past treasurer Paul Smith announced that the web domain fee would be due later this year.  He suggested that the present web master’s name should appear on the application before the due date for fee payment.  Ron Cowherd agreed to contact past web master, Rob Larrison, to get the account in order.

Secretary Cowherd read a letter addressed to Kevin O’Neill who is Dir. Community Education West Kentucky Community & Technical College.  The intent of the letter was to thank him and WKCTC for the use of the Emerging Technology Center facilities this past year.  The letter gave a brief description of PARA’s purpose and goals as an organization as well as short list of our educational and public service events in which we have participated.  It is our hope that PARA may continue to use the facilities throughout 2016.

Net Controls for Late February/Early March

                              February 14          Frank KY4LDS

                              February 21          Jeff KB9BVL

                              February 28          Frank KY4LDS

                              March 6                Logan KG4VKB

                              March 13               Ken KW4DI



Dave Perry, N4QS gave us some very exciting news about new software for remote control of a local or distant amateur radio station.  This “free” cutting edge software requires only (1) an internet connection, (2) smart phone, tablet or laptop, and (3) client software from www.remotehams.com.  Dave demonstrated by using his smart phone to control his station at home.  He was able to control all aspects of the process by clicking on the knobs and buttons shown on the screen of his phone.  It was amusing when he accidentally touched the CQ macro button on 80 meters CW and a DL station from Germany came back to him with a 5/9 signal report.  Dave stressed how easy to install and user friendly the software is.  Unfortunately the software does not work on any Apple products at this time.

Nice job Dave.  Your enthusiasm was infectious.  Several of the club members with laptops with them, were signed up and had the software installed before the end of the meeting.


PARA meets at Emerging Technology Center, WKCTC on 2nd Monday, 7 pm of each month except December.

New License and upgrades are offered on odd months throughout the year.  See W4NJA web site at w4nja.org.  For info click at the top of the page on About Us, then VE License Testing.

The Sunday Night Net meets each Sunday night at 9 PM. All amateur radio operators are invited to check in. 147.060 PL 179.9

Respectfully submitted,

Ron Cowherd (Sec. PARA) roncowherd@aol.com



January Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting

The first PARA meeting of 2016 was held Monday, January 11 at Paducah’S WKCTC Emerging Technology Center.  Despite the icy cold evening there were about 15 brave souls in attendance including two new prospective amateurs.  See names and pictures below.

PARA Meeting Minutes 1/11/16

The meeting was opened by President Ken Wontor (KW4DI) followed by the treasurer’s report given by Paul Smith (ND4X) and subsequently approved and accepted by members.
The primary item of business, election of officers for the new year, was conducted  with the following results:  pictured L to R.



Secretary:  Ron Cowherd (K4GYD); Vice President:  Ken Wontor (Kw4DI);  President:  Jeff Wielgos (KB9BVL); and Treasurer:  Bruce Huyck (KS4V).

Old/New Business.  Ken Wontor showed the new W4NJA QSL design proposed by Paul Smith followed by discussion and a vote of approval by the club.  The front of the card depicts a montage of attractive images that we have come to accept as icons of our community including a picture of the Atomic Energy Plant, Quilt Museum, Railroad engine, River Front and White Haven.  Incoming President Jeff Wielgos will order 500 cars @ $100, money allocated in a previous meeting.

Net Controls for Late January/Early February

January 17 Jeff KB9BVL
January 24 Frank KY4LDS
January 31 Malckolm KK4RGM
February 7 Ken KW4DI


Ron (K4GYD) gave information about the ARRL National Parks On The Air (NPOTA), a year long event somewhat akin to the very popular 2014 event celebrating the ARRL Centennial.  The event is set up so that amateurs may participate, by individual or group operating as Activators or Chasers, earning credit for each contact made.  There is a leader board to show the progress of Activators and Chasers with certificates available to those who have excelled in their number of contacts during the year.  After only two weeks, 27 KY scores have been posted.  Of the 27 postings, five local hams have already made their presence known:  Ron Cowherd (K4GYD), Bruce Huyck (KS4V), John Hudson (KO4XJ, Forest Summers (N4FZ) and Bill Osborne (K5ZQ).  Not only will this event celebrate the National Park Centennial but very positive PR will be generated for amateur radio.

Jeff (KB9BVL) introduced his newly created W4NJA Facebook page.  It is a public page intended for timely items of interest related to Paducah area hams.  Items listed include news of current expeditions, ham gear reviews, weather, etc.  The page can be accessed by simply typing W4NJA Paducah Amateur Radio Association in the “f” header of any Facebook page.

New License and Upgrade Successes

We are happy to report that Jim Skiles (left) and Clint Houser (right) passed their FCC exams and are now new Technicians.  Congratulations to Jim and Clint.


Contest Participation

The recent ARRL RTTY contest found several of our members busy:  Paul (ND4X) 23,636 points, Craig (KD9MS) 1,083 contacts, Dave (N4QS) 700 worked, Ed (AB4IQ) 204 contacts, and Bill (K5ZQ) results unknown.

Dave Perry earned over 5,000 points with 400+ contacts in the North America QSO Party (CW).

A Few Words From the Web Master

I will be pleased to post any successes that you have earned, contest results, DX worked, awards, etc.  Also, I am trying to add as many pictures of your antenna systems, shacks, pictures, contest log summaries or projects in which you are involved.  I like to think of this web-site as a running historical record of PARA’s life.  You members are the life-blood, so send those news items and pictures to the email address below.  I will add your submissions as quickly as possible.


Ron (roncowherd@aol.com)




The annual PARA Christmas Dinner was celebrated Monday, December 14, 2015 at Casa Mexicana Restaurant on Village Square Drive in Paducah.  The special occasion has traditionally convened in lieu of a formal December club meeting.  Snapshots of the approximately 30 members and guests in attendance enjoyed excellent food and spirited conversation as shown below:  (click on images for larger view)


Contest Success

PaulS&MikeNPaul Smith (ND4X), club treasurer, has distinguished himself this December by surpassing last year’s success in the ARRL 10 meter CW/SSB contest.  The 2014 Award recognized his Score of 16,758 which placed him in First Place in the single operator, unlimited mixed mode, low power Kentucky Section.  Paul most surely will again receive First Place with this year’s magnanimous Score of  108,346.  This is quite an achievement Paul.   We are proud of you!



Bruce Huyck presentation

Bruce HuyckBruce Huyck has passed along a copy of his PowerPoint presentation, given at a club meeting earlier this year, entitled “Exploring HF Signals.”  It is a great overview of the many digital modes that are available to today’s amateur radio operators.  New hams and anyone who has not explored these new modes can benefit from the info in Bruce’s presentation by clicking on the following link:                 Exploring HF Signals    Thanks Bruce


Net Controls late December/early January

December 20    Dave W4WKN

December 27    Frank KY4LDS

    January 3    Jeff KB9BVL

           January 10    Tanya KM4NPZ

Meeting Reminder

Don’t forget!  The next regularly scheduled PARA meeting will kick off the new year on Monday, January 11, 7:00 pm at the West Kentucky Community and Technical College on Alban Barkley Drive, Paducah, KY.  The primary business for the evening will be the election of officers for 2016.  Please be present and cast you vote for the candidate of your choice.  Remember, empty seats can’t vote.  (at least at PARA elections)

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Great DX and Best 73’s.






October Monthly Meeting

George Langton (W4TPC) October 2015, 89 years young, licensed in 1952, a model for us all.  Also pictured are Mike Newman (WD4EFZ), Malckom Williams (KK4RGM), Ed Sobkowiak (KC9UVO) and Don Fuller (KC4DR).

PARA Meeting Minutes 10/12/2015

The September PARA meeting was opened at 7 pm by president Ken Wontor (KW4DI) with a moment of silence in memory of Sam Jackson, (W4THY) who recently became a silent key.  Attendees around the room introduced themselves by giving their name, call and a brief comment on their activities since the last meeting.  There were 19 present, including Wesley Calvert, John Broadbent, and Tanya Gilmore who had come to take the exam for their new amateur license or upgrade.  (See pictures below)

Old Business

The Minutes from the September meeting were reviewed followed by a motion to accept.  The motion was approved.

The Treasurer’s report was given by President Ken Wontor (KW4DI) in absence of Paul Smith (ND4X) who was on vacation. A motion to accept was made followed by a vote of approval.

New Business

There was discussion concerning the new PARA QSL cards that were approved in the September meeting.  Several members commented on the appropriate design that Paul Smith had chosen.  The cards should be available soon.

We were reminded that the PARA annual Christmas Party was planned for Monday, 6:00 pm, December 14th at Casa Mexicana located at 4793 Village Square Drive in the Strawberry Hill area.  This event will replace the December meeting and testing.

It was also announced that the annual election of officers is scheduled for the January meeting.  The nominating committee will meet to choose a slate for nomination.

Net Controls for September are:

Oct. 18      KY4LDS     Frank

Oct. 25     KG4VKB     Logan

Nov. 1     KK4RGM     Malckom

Nov. 8     KW4DI     Ken


Ron Cowherd (K4GYD) Webmaster, encouraged PARA members to use the W4NJA web-site to stay informed of the schedule of club activities to come and news of club happenings that have past.  The site contains a wealth of information, both historical and technical with links to other important information on the web.  It was interesting to see statistical data showing the site’s use in 2014 and 2015.  Numerical data was displayed graphically on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis along with a world map to indicate from where the check-ins originated.   For example there have been 10,304 views in the past 22 months from the US and 76 countries.  Ron’s goal is to surpass 2014 view numbers by the end of 2015.

Club members may contribute photos and text items to the site by emailing to roncowherd@aol.com.  Comments, corrections and additions are welcome.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ron (K4GYD webmaster

New License and Upgrade Successes

Wes Calvert passed his Tech, General and Extra test to get the Extra license in one setting. Wow, Congratulations Wes.Broadbent

From left to Right:  Wesley Calvert passed his Tech, General, and Extra tests to get his Extra license in one setting.  Tanya Gilmore upgraded to General.  John Broadbent passed his Technician.  Congratulations Wesley, Tanya and John.  Also pictured:  Jerry Foland ((WA4TTL) and Mike Newman (WD4EFZ).

September Monthly Meeting

PARA Meeting Minutes 9/14/2015

The September PARA meeting was opened at 7 pm by president Ken Wontor (KW4DI) with a moment of silence in memory of Joey Gill, (KK4ETB) who recently became a silent key.   Each attendee around the room introduced themselves by giving their name, year licensed and report of their ham activities.  Ron Cowherd (K4GYD) appeared to be the first licensed in 1958 with Don Fuller (KC4DR) close behind.  There were approximately 23 members present in addition to two prospective members who came to take their first test for a ham license.

Old Business

The minutes from the August meeting were read by Secretary Jeff Wielgos (KB9BVL).  The Treasurer’s report was given by Paul Smith (ND4X).

A motion was made and passed to reimburse Rob Larrison (KC9VFV) $15.17 for the yearly W4NJA web domain fee that he had previously paid on behalf of the club.  Rob has asked to be relieved of his duties as web master but has agreed to continue as co-administrator of the W4NJA web site for a few months until Ron is comfortable with the WordPress App.  We appreciate the fine job that Rob has done setting up the site from the beginning.  It is planned that his format will remain for the time being just as he initiated.

Bruce Huyck (KS4V) the VE License Testing coordinator, reminded us testing is offered every other month with the next session available in November.  However, there could be an exception by special request.

New Business

Secretary Paul Smith suggested that Club QSL cards with the call of W4NJA are needed.  We have had several requests based on Field Day contacts as well as American Islands On The Air contacts.  The idea was discussed, and the motion was made and passed to allocate $100 for the new cards.  Members were encouraged to bring or email sample pictures for possible card graphics.

Net Controls for September are:

Sept. 20     KG4VKB     Logan

Sept. 27     KB9BVL       Jeff

Oct. 4         KY4LDS       Frank

Oct 11        KW4DI         Ken


Jeff (KB4BVL) presented a very enlightening report on the US Islands QSO Party at the KY Dam Powerhouse location.  Jeff and Paul (ND4X) represented PARA.  Jeff showed Google map images of the site which when zoomed in revealed the area that was completely surrounded by water therefore qualifying it as an island.  He also showed pictures of their rigs, antennas and power supply installation.  Their efforts were quite successful even though the 20 and 40 meter bands were not in the best condition at the time.  The club members showed their appreciation to Jeff and Paul by a nice round of applause.

President Ken continued with pictures of the two new signs that have been put in place on interstate (I24), one between the Ohio river bridge and first exit #3, and the other just east of the Reidland exit #16 coming into Paducah.  The completion of this project has been anxiously awaited for several months.  Ken led the effort to get this done and members also gave him a big hand of applause in appreciation.

PARA Pic #2PARA sign #1

Mike Newman (WD4EFZ), showed pictures and commented on his extensive station grounding system incorporated into his 170 ft tower and antenna installation at his home QTH.  His close-up pictures of the many ground connections clearly showed his professional expertise and effort to go the extra mile to guarantee safety.  Mike said he has had at least three lightning hits so far with no damage.  However, he added, “there is always the chance of a big one.”   Mike, we are in awe of your vast knowledge in this area.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jeff (KB9BVL sec. – Ron (K4GYD); Rob (KC9VFV)  web co-admin.