PARA Meeting Minutes 6/13/2016

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Paducah Amateur Radio Association was held Monday, June 13 at the WKCTC Emerging Technology Center, Room 140, in Paducah, KY.  Among the 25 attendees present, two came for FCC license upgrade exams.

The meeting was opened by Vice President Ken Wontor (KW4DI).  Ken invited each attendee around the room to introduce themselves with their name and call.   The treasurer’s report given by Bruce Huyck (KS4V), and the Secretary’s reading of the minutes by Ron Cowherd (K4GYD)  were subsequently approved by the members.

Old/New Business

Items discussed include:

  • Final planning for Field Day (June 25-26)  was the focus of the meeting.  Ken Wontor reviewed a list of important Field Day needs, one by one, to double check that all bases were covered.  In addition, various members commented on some positive and negative aspects of former years that we could apply for the betterment of this year’s event.  There were comments about the importance of having an adequate pool of potential operators present to rotate with active ops,  both day and night.  There will be two stations set up in the McCracken County Mobile Command Center, SSB and RTTY and a CW station in pavilion.  Set up will begin about 8:00 a.m. Saturday.  We were also reminded that as many members as possible are needed at end of event on Sunday to help with take down and clean up.

Net Controls for Late June/Early July

Sunday night nets are at 9:00 PM CDT on 147.060 PL 179.9.  See net control procedures here.

June 19             Beth AK4BG                  15 checkins

June 26             Frank KY4LDS              10 checkins

July 3                  Logan KG4VKB             9 PARA – 3 ARES checkins

July 10                Ken KW4DI                   10 checkins

Recent FCC License successes

Congratulations to Ken Krahl (KM4DTS) and Brent Robertson (W4CHE) who have recently upgraded their licenses to Extra Class:

Bren t Robertson
Brent Robertson W4CHE
Ken Kraal KM4DTS








Contest Success Stats

Paul Smith (ND4X) placed 4th in the ARRL 10 meter contest with a very admirable total of 98,511 points.

National Parks On The Air current (7/11/16) Kentucky scores:  Bruce Huyck, 217 confirmed contacts;  Ron Cowherd, 118 confirmed contacts; Dave Dewey, 24 confirmed contacts.

Dave Perry (N4QS) in Aruba for CQ WW WPX CW contest, May 28 & 29.                                            Call: P4/N4QSOperator(s): N4QS YU7KW; Station: P49V Class: M/S HP
QTH: Aruba; Operating Time (hrs): 48;   Location:  South America.   Total QSOs:  3233; Prefixes:  1044; Total Score:  13,335,012





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