Paducah Amateur Radio Association
Minutes for PARA Meeting
February 12, 2024
Club President KD4GCY-Garry presided and called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag. Then he announced our guest speaker, Ms. Mellisa Duncan, Director of the Challenger Learning Center. She gave a brief overview of the Learning Center and its activities and the age groups that it reaches out to, primarily 5th and 6th graders. She came to the meeting to discuss the possibility of setting up an International Space Station communication with the youth. She explained that there was lots of paperwork involved with NASA in order to qualify to do an event. She went on to say that it was very doable but would require a rather large facility and scheduling.
KC4WPS-Roger read the financial report. Motion made by W4WKN-Dave to accept the report as read. Second by KF4KKZ-Bruce. Voted and approved. Roger announced that the ARRL insurance was $200.00 for club liability and was paid. Also, the website is down, and he is currently working on getting it back up and running; this is due to ownership issues for paying access fees. Motion was made by KG4VKB-Logan for the club to obtain a debit card for the PARA Club to prevent future issues with financial transactions. Seconded by KG4SRK-Dennis. Voted and approved.
K4FWO-Duane read the January minutes. Motion made by KC4WPS-Roger to accept the minutes as read. Second by KN4LDP-Jeff. Voted and approved.
Discussion was made that on July 1 the Amateur Extra Exam will change with several questions being removed and replaced.
Winter Field Day: several in the club activated, some at home, and some in the field using battery power and emergency resources.
ND4X-Paul has recently updated the QRZ web page.
Dates To Remember:
February 21 — SIERA Club Meeting
March 11 — PARA Meeting
April 8 — Eclipse
June 22 & 23 — Field Day
AK4PS-Jim mentioned a future ARES Field Day one in the Spring and one in the Fall.
Net Control Assignments
KB9BVL-Jeff February 18
KO4ZRX-Ronnie February 25
KY4JDC-Jeff March 3
K4FWO-Duane March 10
Motion to adjourn by KC4DR-Don