November Monthly Meeting

PARA Meeting Minutes 11/14/16

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Paducah Amateur Radio Association was held  Monday, November 14, 2016 at the WKCTC Emerging Technology Center, Room 140, in Paducah, KY.  There were approximately 12 present plus one prospective FCC examinee.  See picture below.

The meeting was opened by President Jeff  Wielgos (WB9BVL).  Jeff invited each attendee around the room to introduce themselves with their name and call.  The Treasurer’s report was given by Bruce Huyck (KS4V).  The October meeting minutes was read by Secretary Cowherd with explanations as needed.

Old/New Business Ken (KW4DI) reported on his conversation with the manager of “Batteries and Bulbs,” a new business establishment in the Concord area of Paducah, selling a large variety of batteries and related items.  Ken related the manager’s offer of a business representative to possibly be available for a program at the January 2017 PARA meeting.  Ken will follow up on this.

  • Ken (KW4DI) also suggested that the club secretary write a letter to Kevin O’Neill, Dir. Community Education, West Kentucky Community & Technical College, to express our appreciation for the use of two rooms in the Emerging Technology Center this past year.  We have found that the two rooms are excellent for our purposes and we certainly want to be considered when the rooms are assigned for the coming year.
  • Ed (AB4IQ) reminded us that the PARA annual Christmas Party is planned for Monday, 6:00 pm, December 12th at Casa Mexicana restaurant located at 4793 Village Square Drive directly behind Walmart in the Strawberry Hill area.  This event will replace the December meeting and testing.
  • Jeff (KB9BVL) told us of some ideas he has for an inter-club challenge with awards/trophy for winners.  Several ideas were tossed around from various members.  It was decided to continue the discussion in January and possibly adopt something for the new year.
  • Ron (K4GYD) spoke about an article concerning the setting up and programming of the Baofeng UV5R, an inexpensive, high quality handie-talky owned by many of the PARA club members.  The article attempts to replace the “cryptic and incomplete manual” that is supplied with the unit.  This article will teach you how to set up the UV-5R and how to program frequencies into its memory manually.  Click on  LWRA.US to bring up Lake Wales Radio Amateurs then click on links and select Baofeng UV5R.
  • At end of the meeting President Jeff announced that the election of officers for the new year would be held at the January meeting.  After some discussion it was learned that all of the presently elected officers were willing to serve another year. Without delay, a head count determined there was a quorum of members present and the entire slate of officers were quickly accepted (without discussion) by acclamation.  No sarcasm intended, however there were a number of “railroaders” in attendance.

Net Control Operators for Late November/Early December

Sunday night nets are at 9:00 PM on 147.060 PL 179.9

     November 20     Brent W4CHE-7 checkins

     November 27     Frank KY4LDS-10 checkins

     December 4        Jeff KB9BVL10-checkins/Logan KG4VKB-6 ARES

     December 11       Ken KW4DI-8 checkins

NPOTA Chaser News

National Parks On The Air current count: (12/13/16) Kentucky confirmed contacts:  Bruce Huyck (KS4V) 352;  Brent Robertson (W4CHE) 294;  Ron Cowherd (K4GYD) 210;   Dave Dewey (W4WKN) 51; Dave Tucker (NU4N) 22;  Paul Smith (ND4X) 16;  Gene Summers (N4FZ) 16;  Dave Perry (N4QS) 14; Jeff Wielgos (KB9BVL) 10;   Ed Pflueger (AB4IQ) 2;  (W4NJA) 1

2016 Field Day Scores

Ed (AB4IQ) sent Email reporting:  “Looks like we came in 24th in 3A in the country and Numero Uno in KY.”  A great report for the Field Day gang.

License Upgrade

James Oliver passed his FCC General Exam at the close of the November meeting just after passing the Technician exam in October.  Congratulations James, you are rapidly ascending the ladder of success in Amateur Radio.

James Oliver:  New General

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