PARA Meeting Minutes 1/9/2017

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Paducah Amateur Radio Association was held  Monday, January 9, 2017 at the WKCTC Emerging Technology Center, Room 140, in Paducah, KY.  There were 29 present including 5 prospective FCC examinees.  See examinee pictures and exam results below.

The meeting was opened by President Jeff  Wielgos (WB9BVL).  Jeff invited each attendee around the room to introduce themselves with their name and call.  The Treasurer’s report was given by Bruce Huyck (KS4V).  The November 2016 meeting minutes was read by Secretary Cowherd (K4GYD) followed by comments about the PARA annual Christmas Party held at Casa Mexicana Restaurant.  The success of the party was evident by a brief slide presentation showing 26 smiling faces enjoying their good food and company.

Old/New Business

  • Several members expressed the feelings of the entire club by sharing memories of Silent Key, George Lankton (W4TPC) who passed away December 2nd, on his 90th birthday.  George was a long time member of PARA and contributed much of his time and leadership to the club during those years.  Bruce Huyck (KS4V) made a motion to send a donation of $25 to the Paducah Cooperative Ministry as a memorial to George.  The motion was seconded followed by a unanimous vote of approval.
  • Ken (KW4DI) announced that a representative from “Batteries and Bulbs” of Paducah would be at the February meeting to give a presentation.
  • It was brought to our attention that a national independent group has organized another Parks On The Air contest for 2017.  The popularity of ARRL’s NPOTA (National Parks On The Air) has generated a sequel based on state parks instead of national parks.  Details and rules may be found at:  parksontheair.com/rules/  Additional ‘real time’ info may be found at:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/parksontheair/  We have several state parks in our area that we may choose to activate sometime this year.
  • Jeff (KB9BVL) told us of some ideas he has for an intra-club challenge with awards/trophys for winners.  After some discussion it  was suggested that the challenge could possibly begin February 1st.  An email will be issued or look on this web site later for more details.

Net Control Operators

January 15                 Brent W4CHE          5 check-ins

January 22                Logan KG4JXH         9 check-ins

January 29                Frank KY4LDS        13 check-ins

February 5                Logan KG4JXH       10 PARA; 7 ARES

February 12              Ken KW4DI              11 check-ins

New License and Upgrade Successes

We are happy to report that five fellows passed their FCC Amateur Radio exams after this month’s meeting.  Congratulations to all.   We want you to know that you all are cordially invited to attend future PARA meetings with us.

Left to Right:  Gerald Wasko, Tech;  Kyle Walker, Tech & General;  Devon Caldwell, Tech;  Casey Lynn, Tech;  Jay Smock, Tech.

2016 Statistics

  • Meeting attendance:  Year total, 261;  Monthly ave. 22
  • ARRL License:  21 examinees; 23 exams passed (12 tech. 4 gen. 5 extra, 2 VE)
  • PARA net check-ins:  10 months 400; mon. ave. 40, about 10/wk.
  • ARES net check-ins:  6 months 42, about 7 per week ave.

Rare DX

Fred Carter (AI4EY)  worked Mongolia  (JT1CO).

Congratulations Fred

Ham Station, Evansville, Indiana

Remember next Scheduled Meeting will be Monday, February 13, 2017 at the WKCTC Emerging Technology Center, Room 140, in Paducah, KY.

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