Minutes for PARA Meeting of October 10, 2022

Club President Garry, KD4GCY presided and called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. and led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag.

Club Scribe Michael, KN4TIP, read the Minutes of the September 12, 2022 meeting to the membership. KC4DR–Don made a motion to approve the Minutes as read and KM4LDP-Jeff seconded the motion.  The motion was voted on and carried.

Club Treasurer Roger, KC4WPS, read the financial report to the membership.  KM4LDP-Jeff made a motion to approve the Report as read . AC9OO-Ed seconded the motion.  The motion was voted on and carried.

There were 18 attendees at the meeting. 

President Garry led the membership in discussion on the following topics:

  • Prayer requests for KS4V-Bruce who is still recovering from extended COVID symptoms, KN4TIP – Michael who is suffering from Psoriatric Arthritis and is waiting medication approval, his wife Marianna Durr with Lupus, KM4LDP-Jeff who is to have the “Watchman” heart filter to prevent blood clots, and W4KU-Wallace Shankle III who has had a recent illness  he is still in recovery.
  • “Seniors Learning For Fun” program Sept. 22 was attended by 51 seniors. A former ham operator, Cathy Hunt talked about renewing her license.  Several seniors came out to see live demonstrations on radio by KM4LDP- Jeff and KN4TIP-  Michael.
  • Skywarn Recognition Day occurs the first Saturday of December each year. Amateur Operators have been invited to operate from the NWS between the hours of 6pm Friday, Dec. 2 to 6pm Sat, Dec 3.  Contacts from amateur operators wishing to work multiple NWS stations will receive a variety of certificates.
  • Aiden Carnes reports a new club is forming in Metropolis to be known as Southernmost Illinois Emergency Radio Association (SIERA) Meetings will be held on 3rd Wed 5:30pm at 605 Metropolis St. They are seeking ARRL affiliation and insurance.
  • KN4TIP- Michael presented the plan of getting 9-12 yo involved in amateur radio.  He will be contacting parents of children in home school CoOps to develop interest in supporting their children in becoming active operators. It was suggested to get the interest in not only 2m operation but the 10m section, and CW available to technicians. The goal is to get the children licensed by January 2023. 
  • Up-coming events:  Fort Massac Encampment Oct 15-16, 2022, Big -Brown Truck Pull- October 15, 2022,   Multiple Fall Festival Celebrations, Great American ShakeOut Oct. 20, 10:20 am., North American SSB Sprint-Oct 22, 0000z-0359z.

Net Control Operator assignments were made and the formal portion of the meeting was adjourned

10-16 KB9JBL-Jeff

10-23 W9ADN- Aiden

10-30 KY4LDS- Frank

11-6 KC4WPS- Roger

11-13 KN4TIP- Michael

Show and Tell: 

KD4GCY- Garry showed an old emergency beacon device with tubes.  He also shared an AM/FM 4 diode kit with W9ADN to build.

KY4LDS- Frank shared two systems for launching a line for antenna into a tree- one arborist slingshot device and the other a compressed air cannon device used by electric tower workers.  Both will launch much higher than a hand thrown device.

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