PARA Meeting Minutes 4/9/2018

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Paducah Amateur Radio Association was held  Monday, April 9, 2018 at the WKCTC Emerging Technology Center, Room 140, in Paducah, KY.  There were 26 present, including two FCC Amateur License examinees.

The meeting was opened by Club President, Jeff Wielgos followed by each attendee giving their name and amateur call.

Items Discussed and Passed

The business portion of the meeting was as follows:

  • Secretary Cowherd reviewed March meeting minutes including items discussed and passed.  In addition, a report was given on PARA members who are participating the ARRL International Grid Contest.  As of 4/9/2018, six club members are on Kentucky’s top 25 of the leader board with five more members listed on the second page making a total of 11 PARA members in the top 50.
  • The treasurer’s report of the club’s finances was given by Bruce Huyck and  subsequently a motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the secretary’s and treasurer’s reports.
  • Ed Pflueger and Dave Perry showed and gave information about 10 walnut KY QSO Party award plaques which were laser cut to the outline of the Kentucky border.  The unfinished pieces will be finished, appropriately labeled and awarded to the winners of  the QSO Party.
  • It was moved, seconded and passed to reimburse Ed Pflueger for the cost of the wood and labor that has been done on the plaques so far.  Dave Perry spoke of one KY club that has volunteered to sponsor a plaque this year.  Other sponsors will be sought to help pay for the award trophies this year and each new year.
  • Dave spent quite a bit of time explaining the contest set-up, in terms of operators, (each band, each mode), base, rover and portable stations, etc.  Efficient contest operating skills were reviewed.
  • W4NJA Host stations will be located at:  (SSB) Mike Newman’s station, (CW)  Dave Perry, Bruce and Clint ( RTTY).  One of the goals of the KY QSO Party is to encourage the activation of rare counties and grid squares through rover and portable operation.  Also, several volunteers will operate at home in McCracken and surrounding counties.

Net Control Operators for Late April/Early May

Sunday night nets are at 9:00 PM on 147.060 Mhz. PL 179.9

April 15            Jeff  KB9BVL         13 check-ins

April 22            Jeff  KB9BVL         11 check-ins

April 30            Eric K4YUS            12 check-ins

May 6                Logan KG4VKB     14 PARA/12 ARES

May 13              Ken  KW4DI          10 check-ins

ARRL International Grid Contest

(ARRL Leaderboard Results shows Ky position and Total Grid count as of  5/14/2018)  7 club members in top 25.                                                                  

1.  N4QS Dave Perry, 3592 grids;  6.  AI4EY Fred Carter, 1773 grids;  14. K4GYD Ron Cowherd, 1209 grids;  18. KO4XJ John Hudson, 1024 grids;  21. KC4WPS Roger Good, 976 grids;  23. KS4V Bruce Huyck, 907 grids;  25W4WWS  Steve Parmley, 811 grids;  41. KB9BVL Jeff Wielgos, 498 grids; 49. AB4IQ, Ed Pflueger, 410 grids; 48. KW4DI Ken Wontor, 311 grids;  58. KJ4CO John Chandler, 346 grids.

Current grid contest results may be found at:  https://igc.arrl.org/leader-board.php

N1MM Loggin Program Installation Instructions:

Several people have asked how to install the N1MM logging program on their computer as the KY QSO Party gets closer.  The attached PDF has the basic information for downloading and configuring the application for the KY QSO Party.  This is written for the first time installer, or state QSO Party participant, not a seasoned contester who uses the program on a weekly basis.

KY QSO Party N1MM Configuration and Contest Operation

Thanks to Paul Smith the web site for the KY QSO Party is now up and running.  Please check the Side Bar link often for latest news:   http://www.kyqsoparty.org

New License and Upgrade Successes

We are happy to report that two individuals successfully passed their FCC Amateur Radio license exams at the close of the April meeting.  Pictured (L):  Sean Anderson, new Tech and (R) Wayne Reid, new General.   Congratulations to both.  We cordially invite you join us at future monthly meetings.




  • PARA meets at Emerging Technology Center, WKCTC on 2nd Monday, 7 pm of each month except December.
  • New License and upgrades are offered at the close of each meeting night throughout the year.  See W4NJA web site at w4nja.org.  For info click at the top of the page on About Us, then VE License Testing.
  • The Sunday Night Net meets each Sunday night at 9 PM. All amateur radio operators are invited to check in. 147.060 PL 179.9
  • KY QSO Party sponsored by PARA W4NJA, June 2nd, 2018
  • Field Day, Keilor Park, Paducah, June 23 & 24.
  •  PARA membership fees ($20) are due and payable at a future meeting.

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