Minutes for PARA Meeting
July 10, 2023
Club President KD4GCY-Garry presided and called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag.
A discussion ensued about 2023 Field Day and the defective Ryobi generator. Mike – WA4ER volunteered to look at the generator.
The conversation moved on to Echolink and the issues with the interface box. A motion was made, voted on and passed to replace the interface box with a new one. The club also voted to compensate Jeff KM4LDP for the purchase of new batteries for a UPS to power the EchoLink station. A check was written for $126.98 for the interface box and batteries.
Club Treasurer KC4WPS- Roger read the financial report to the membership. A motion was voted on and carried to approve the June financial report.
A special “THANKS” to Michael – KN4TIP for providing and cooking the fish for this year’s Field Day!!
Club President Garry – KD4GCY continued the meeting with a discussion of the new PARA polo shirts. Everyone agreed that the shirts looked great and were a value purchase.
The Summer Amateur Radio Technician Class, administered by Michael –KN4TIP, will continue July 15th, 22nd and 29th. Testing will be during the August PARA meeting.
President Garry – KD4GCY has the following announcements:
The August PARA meeting will be August 14th.
The National Weather Service has a new Chat service for rapid reporting of severe weather. You can sign-up online at NWSChat: Create Account (weather.gov)
August 5th is the Fancy Farm Picnic
There will be a major Solar Storm, Thursday, July 13th
Huntsville Hamfest is August 19th and 20th.
Net Control Operator assignments for the next month are as follows:
July 16 – KN4TIP – Michael
July 23 – KD4GCY – Garry
July 30 – KY4LDS – Frank
Aug 6 – KQ4FWO – Duane
Aug 13 – KW4DI – Ken
Club President Garry –KD4GCY, presented a new BaoFeng portable radio to our newest 11 year old Amateur Radio operator, Jameson – KQ4HUV! Congratulations, Jameson!
A motion was made to close the meeting at 8:29 pm and everyone left….