PARA Meeting Minutes 7/11/2016

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Paducah Amateur Radio Association was held Monday, July 11 at the WKCTC Emerging Technology Center, Room 140, in Paducah, KY.  There were 26 present.

The meeting was opened by President Jeff Wielgos (KB9BVL).  Jeff invited each attendee around the room to introduce themselves with their name and call.   The treasurer’s report given by Bruce Huyck (KS4V), and the Secretary’s reading of the minutes by Ron Cowherd (K4GYD)  were subsequently approved by the members.

Old/New Business

Items discussed include:

  •  Field Day (Saturday, June 25) was the focus of discussion through much of the evening’s meeting, starting out with a slideshow with snapshots compliments of Steve and Beth Gupton.
  • Paul Smith summarized FD QSO numbers and compared them with 2015 results, (See stats below).
  • Bruce Huyck reviewed and explained how the FD 1,250 bonus points were earned.  We will find out later how our total scores compare with the many other clubs in the state and nation.
  • Ken Wontor suggested the importance of designating the required pavilions by number on the Kyler Park certification form next year.
  • There were many comments of appreciation for outstanding contributions to the success of the 2016 Field Day event, for example:  The McCracken County Emergency Management for the use of their Mobile Command Center, generators and gasoline to run them.  Also named were WPSD TV and The Paducah Sun for their excellent coverage.  It was also mentioned that there were more than adequate club members available this year for station operations and set-up/take-down/cleanup activities.
  • Other items that were briefly brought up were upcoming hamfests:  The Huntsville, Alabama Hamfest, August 20 and 21 and The Middle Tennessee Hamfest at Lebanon, Tennessee, July 31.
  • Dave Perry (N4QS) told of his latest trip to Aruba to participate in the 2016 CQ World Wide WPX Contest CW.  He also talked of his long friendly association with Zoran, YU7KW from Serbia who also participated with the team.  The group placed 5th in the world in their category.

Net Controls for Late July/Early August

Sunday night nets are at 9:00 PM CDT on 147.060 PL 179.9.  See net control procedures here.

July 17              Jeff KB9BVL

July 24             Ken KW4DI            10 checkins

July 31              Frank KY4LDS      12 checkins

August 7         Logan KG4VKB     12 PARA net – 9 ARES

2016 Field day totals

Band Mode – QSOs

3.5    CW   –   155;    LSB   –   83

7       CW   –   318;    LSB  –  413;   RTTY  –  50

14      CW   –   222;   RTTY  –  75;    USB  –  112

21       CW   –     79;    USB   –     3

Total  QSO’s:  1510

2016 Field Day Slide Show (pictures by Ron Cowherd)




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