Field Day '17 (5)
Bruce Huyck, Garry Wheatley and Ken Wontor pause during 2017 Field Day antenna work.

PARA Meeting Minutes 7/10/2017

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Paducah Amateur Radio Association was held  Monday, July 10, 2017 at the WKCTC Emerging Technology Center, Room 140, in Paducah, KY.  There were approximately 20 present.  One came for FCC amateur license upgrade.

The meeting was opened by Treasurer Bruce Huyck (KS4V) in absence of President Jeff Wielgos (KB9BVL).  Bruce invited each attendee around the room to introduce themselves with their name and call.  The Treasurer’s report was given by Bruce.  The April 2017 meeting minutes was read by Secretary Ron Cowherd (K4GYD).  Both treasurer and secretary reports were were approved by unanimous vote.

Items Discussed and Passed

  • Bruce and Paul Smith (ND4X) analyzed and pointed out interesting aspects of the Field Day 2017 Summary spreadsheet showing PARA’s total QSOs by band, mode, operator and points.  Various strengths and weaknesses were revealed:  The overall total number of QSOs surpassed numbers from years past.  The high scores were attributed to very capable operators and the beautiful weather.  However, we need more operators to be available to sit-in for all stations and particularly CW ops for overnight.  Paul Smith pointed out that those who came early to set up antennas and stations were “beat” by the time the contest began.  The addition of the VHF station offered the opportunity to “know what to do” and “what not to do” in the years to follow.  One problem was that the N1MN logging program recognized the JT65 mode as a RTTY mode.
  • Ed Pflueger made a motion (later passed) that monies given PARA in honor of Jerry Foland (WA4TTL) be donated on to the Ray & Kay Eckstein Regional Cancer Care Center in Paducah.  Jerry, 76, passed away Friday, June 30.  He served in the Navy aboard the U.S.S Enterprise.  After receiving an honorable discharge from the Navy, he was hired by the Westinghouse Nuclear Division.  After retirement from Westinghouse, he and his wife moved to Paducah in 2007.  Jerry, a long time amateur radio enthusiast, will be missed by his fellow  hams.  He was a wealth of knowledge and donated his expertise and energy often to the members of the local club.  His name and call will be listed as a Silent Key in QST magazine in a future issue.
  • Ed Pflueger suggested that the Icom 7200, bought for an intended club station sometime ago, was never utilized.  It was discussed, motion made and passed that the radio and several beam antennas be inventoried, priced and offered for sale. It was also decided that the radio would be priced at $600 and offered first to club members first.  The items not sold will be put on the ham market.  Bruce will put out an email to club members with info concerning the items before advertising in QST.com.  Contact:  Bruce, ks4@comcast.net or Ed, ab4iq@comcast.net.
  • Bruce reminded us about the August 14, PARA meeting:  DX Engineering Skype presentation.  The program will be just for our use with two-way Skype communication.
  • Frank Baumer emphasized the importance of protection from an EMP attack by showing us a $2.50 mylar EMP proof bag designed to encase a spare rig “just in case.”

Net Control Operators for Late June/Early July

Sunday night nets are at 9:00 PM on 147.060 PL 179.9

July 16       Steve NW9W         8 check-ins

July 23        Ken KW4DI          11 check-ins

July  30        Frank KY4LDS    11 check-ins

August 6      Logan KG4VKB   15 PARA, 9 ARES

August 13     Jay KD9HRH        9 check-ins

New License and Upgrade Success

We are happy to report that Chuck Culver upgraded to Extra Class license at the close of the July meeting.  He passed both the Technician and General exam the month before.  Congratulations Chuck.  You have shown us how to “git’er done.”

Chuck Culver, earned Extra Class License

PARA meets at Emerging Technology Center, WKCTC on 2nd Monday, 7 pm of each month except December.

New License and upgrades are offered on odd months throughout the year.  See W4NJA web site at w4nja.org.  For info click at the top of the page on About Us, then VE License Testing.

The Sunday Night Net meets each Sunday night at 9 PM. All amateur radio operators are invited to check in. 147.060 PL 179.9

Respectfully submitted,

Ron Cowherd (Sec. PARA) roncowherd@aol.com

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