Minutes for PARA Meeting of JUNE 13, 2022

Club President Garry, KD4GCY presided and called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. and led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag.

Club Scribe KN4TIP- Michael, read the Minutes of the May 9, 2022 meeting to the membership.  ND4X-Paul made a motion to approve the Minutes as read and AC9OO-Ed seconded the motion.  The motion was voted on and carried.

Club Treasurer KC4WPS- Roger, read the financial report to the membership.  KN4TIP-Michael made a motion to approve the Report as read and AC9OO-Ed seconded it.  The motion was voted on and carried.

President Garry led the membership in discussion on the following topics:

  • Introductions around the room of our members. There are two new Amateur Operators, KQ4AFM-Steve Rowhuff, and KQ4AFL- Kellie Rowhuff
  • Ky QSO Party and VHF  discussed by ND4X-Paul
  •  Motion made by KN4TIP-Michael for $450 petty cash for use on field day, KM4LDP-Jeff 2nd the motion and it was carried without dissent
  • June 25-26. 2022 Field Day  Assignments were made for radios, generators, coolers, food, cables, etc
  • EchoLink was discussed by group as to whether we should approach Dr. VanHoose to purchase the unit to give us better access.  Logan has discussed it briefly with him and he will consider relinquishing it.  He mentioned the computer is old and will need to be replaced.  Logan  will make a formal request of Dr. Vanhoose to see how he feels and the cost of procuring and installing it
  • New tech pool questions go into effect on July 1, 2022
  • Next meeting July 11, 2022 at WKCTCS
  • WD4OKO- Neil discussed testing of the 147 .06 repeater and reconfiguring the antennas on the tower to give us a 60′ higher receive antenna.  Initial reports are favorable to the test.
  • Net Control Operator assignments were made and the formal portion of the meeting was adjourned at 9:05pm

                June 19, 2022  KN4TIP- Michael

                June  26, 2022  KY4LDS- Frank

                 July 3, 2022   KD4GCY- Garry

                 July 10, 2022 W4WKN- Dave

JUNE 13, 2022

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