Club President Garry, KD4GCY presided and called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag.  There were 16 members in attendance. 

A guest presenter, Tina Clark, Sr. Administrative Assistant Workforce Solutions Advisor for the “Senior Learning For Fun” said they have seniors 55+ who meet for information on a variety of subjects.  She said the seniors inquired about amateur radio. A program will be developed for a date to be determined for this fall.   A committee was formed of volunteers to formulate a presentation.  These included KD4GCY-Garry, ND4X- Paul, W4WKN-Dave, and KN4TIP- Michael. 

KD4GCY, Garry read the Minutes of the February 14, 2022, meeting to the membership.  ND4X-Paul made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected for typographical errors, and a correction to the presentation by KC4DR-Don regarding the number of satellites affected by the recent magnetic storm. KB9BVL-Jeff seconded the motion.  The motion was voted on and carried. 

Garry-KD4GCY, read the financial report to the membership. KN4TIP-Michael made a motion to approve the report as displayed and ND4X-Paul seconded it.  The motion was voted on and carried. 

President Garry led the membership in discussion on the following topics: 

⦁ KC4WPS-Roger is recovering from recent illness 

⦁ Upcoming Weather Spotting Classes 

BASIC (follow link below to register) 

                  Monday March 21, 2022 – 6:00 PM


                 Tuesday April 19, 2022 – 6:00 pm CDT 

                 Paducah, KY: Office of Emergency Management Jack Johnston  

                Training Room 3700 Coleman Road 

               Registration is required 

⦁ Contesting updates-ARRL   MO QSO Party April 2-3, 2022 

                                                               KY QSO Party June 4-5, 2022 

           (Added by scribe for info)     TN QSO Party September 04, 2022   

                             ”                                IL QSO Party   October 16, 2022                                                   

⦁ May 14, 2022,    Armed Forces Cross-Band Exercise.  Details on ARRL website

⦁ PARA Net Control Procedures Ad Hoc committee was formed with members W4WKN-Dave, KB9BVL-Jeff, and KD4GCY-Garry  

⦁ Lewis and Clark On The Air  Event June 4, 2022- June 19th,2022.  KD4GCY-Garry will contact for participation 

⦁ McCracken County Sports Tourism Commission is working on a full (26.219 mile) Marathon race. We may be asked to assist other organizations and agencies with communications. 

⦁ KN4TIP-Michael showed the banner he had ordered from VistaPrint. 

  • Two Geomagnetic storms are predicted geomagnetic storms to hit the Earth this week because of the coronal mass ejections (CME) that erupted on the sun on March 10. NOAA issued an alert for a G2 (Moderate) geomagnetic storm watch for Monday and a G1 (Minor) geomagnetic watch that is “likely” for Tuesday, March 15. 

⦁ A “Thank You” letter was proposed by KG4VKB-Logan for the use of Heartland Church for our recent meetings. 

⦁ Field Day June 25-26 weekend- see link for details:  

⦁ Russia is banning vacuum tubes shipped other countries in response to US sanctions against them. 

⦁ Discussion of license testing requirement by the ARRL.  Motion made by KN4TIP- Michael to change W4NJA website under VE License Testing from: “Test sessions are given at the end of the regular PARA business meeting each month (excluding December).” to “Test sessions are by appointment.”  The motion was seconded and carried. 

Net Control Operator assignments were made, and the formal portion of the meeting was adjourned 

Net Control Operators 

Mar 20- KN4TIP-Michael 

Mar 27- KY4LDS- Frank 

Apr 03-  KW4DI-Ken 

Apr-10- KB9BVL-Jeff 

A motion was made by to close the meeting by KB9BVL-Jeff, seconded by KC4DR-Don.  The meeting was closed at 2045. 

Submitted by KN4TIP-Michael, Club Scribe 

March 17, 2022      Leave a comment 

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