Paducah Amateur Radio Association

Minutes for PARA Meeting

October 9, 2023

Club President KD4GCY-Garry presided and called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag.   Attendance this evening was 28 including guests.  We welcome our visitors as always.

KC4WPS-Roger read the financial report.  Motion made by KM4LDP-Jeff to accept the report as read.  Second by KB9BVL-Jeff.  Voted and approved.

K4FWO-Duane read the September minutes.  Motion made by KM4LDP-Jeff to accept the minutes as read.  Second by ND4X-Paul.  Voted and approved.

Testing tonight was 13-year-old Nick Webster who successfully passed his technicians exam.  Congratulations.  KD4GCY-Garry presented him with a new Baofeng UV-5R Radio, purchased by the club.

AI4ZL-Steve presented a map showing locations of HAM operators in the immediate area and surrounding states.  In hopes this will be used to set up a net for emergency disasters to aid in rescue and communications by base/portable relay operators as needed.

Christmas party venue has been moved to El Torito, Exit 3, Cairo Road at 6:00 pm on December 11.  KC4WPS-Roger made a motion to accept.  Second by K4FWO-Duane.  Voted and approved.

KM4LDP-Jeff update on ECHOLINK is up and running.

Tuesday night Ragchew is up and running and has been reported by KN4TIP-Michael that it is a success.  Club agreed to continue.

Foxhunt has been discussed and a tentative date of November 4.  Waiting on final details by email.

ND4X-Paul instructed how to find benefit information on ARRL website.

AK4PS-Jim discussed the topic of ARIES and setting up area net and relays.  Net being conducted on W4NJA-147.060 Repeater Wednesday at 7:00 pm October 11.  All HAMS are invited to participate.

Thank you to KF4KKZ-Bruce and all the Elmers who helped in providing material, demonstrating, and helping build 2 Meter Yagi antenna.

Calendar of Events–  Skywarn Spotter Class – October 17 – 6:00 pm – Paducah, KY    (McCracken Co. Emergency Operations Center, 3700 Coleman Rd.)

Metropolis Siera Club Meeting – 605 Metropolis St., Metropolis, IL – October 18 – 5:30 pm

ARIES – October 19 – 7:00 pm – Emergency Operations Center, 3700 Coleman Rd.

Mayfield Amateur Radio Society (MARS) – October 19 – 7:00 pm – 100 Dick Castleman Bypass, Mayfield, KY.

Net Control:

                                    KO4ZRX-Ronnie                   October 15

                                    KY4JDC-Jeff                        October 22

                                    KY4LDS-Frank                      October 29

                                    KN4TIP-Michael                    November 5

                                    AK4BG-Beth                         November 12

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