Minutes for PARA Meeting of May 09, 2022

Club President KD4GCY-Garry presided and called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. and led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag.

Club Scribe KN4TIP-Michael, read the Minutes of the April 11, 2022 meeting to the membership.  KM4LDP-Jeff made a motion to approve the Minutes as read and KC4WPS-Roger seconded the motion.  The motion was voted on and carried.

Club Treasurer KC4WPS-Roger, read the financial report to the membership.  KM4LDP-Jeff made a motion to approve the report as read and KC4DR-Don seconded it.  The motion was voted on and carried.

There were 21 members in attendance.

President KD4GCY-Garry led the membership in discussion on the following topics:

  • KO4ASI-Vickie Siedel promoting Health Care facilities to become more involved in Amateur Radio.  It seems to be a mandated plan by the government. We are looking forward to assisting this effort to identify amateur radios and operators within our area hospitals. She is active on the PARA repeater on Tuesdays, about 12 noon.
  • A hospital test conducted  Friday, May 6, 2022 with multiple modes used and several agencies participating.
  • The Lewis and Clark On The Air  Event June 4, 2022- June 19th,2022.  event sponsors are not responding Garry.  We will try to obtain a phone number to make contact
  • Malcolm Williams KK4RGM went Silent Key Mar 4, 2022. 
  • KY4CSN-Carson was introduced to the group.  Carson is a sophomore in high school. We heartily welcome these young amateur operators
  • The annual Armed Forces Day Crossband exercise will be on May 14, 2022  1300-2200 UTC on 60m USB  with 5 channels designated for communication. Channel 1 (5330.5KhZ) is the primary frequency  to give directions for each region.  Our region is “4”.  A 60m high power broadcast will begin at 0200UTC  with details.
  • Laura Pfleuger wishes to thank us for contribution to her selected charity on behalf of her mother who passed away.
  • K4GYD-Ron identified we have a letterhead already established  and is sending  a copy to KC4WPS-Roger
  • Princeton has a “Tailgaiter” swap meet on June 4, 2022 at the Princeton airport.  It is also the KY QSO date June 4-5,2022
  • EchoLink has been not functioning properly. We are discussing whether we should offer to purchase the system from Dr. James Vanhoose
  • Field Day- June 25, 2022. WA4ER- Mike as offered his property again for use.  We are considering KY9I- Jason using QRP at the same time, however we are looking at possible conflicts on the bands
  • WD4OKO-Neal Krinard- Deputy Director Emergency Communications spoke about new relations with the McCracken Emergency Management
  • KY4LDS- Frank brought his Radiation Meter for discussion post meeting
  • KC4DR-Don made motion to dismiss, seconded by AC9OO- Ed   Meeting closed at 2029

Net Control Operator assignments :

May 15- KN4TIP Mike

May 22- KC4WPS Roger

May 29- KY4LDS Frank

Jun 06-  KB9BVL Jeff

Jun 12- KY4CSN Carson


Minutes for PARA Meeting APRIL 11, 2022

Club President Garry-KD4GCY presided, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag.  There were 18 members and one prospect in attendance.

Club Treasurer Roger-KC4WPS, read the financial report to the membership. KC4DR-Don made a motion to approve the report as read and KG4SRK-Dennis seconded it.  The motion was voted on and carried.

The meeting scribe Michael-KN4TIP read the Minutes of the March 14, 2022 meeting to the membership.  The motion was accepted without dissent.

President Garry led the membership in discussion on the following topics:

  • New prospective Chuck Ringstaff here for Technician testing
  • Ed Pflueger’s mother in law (Laura’s mother) passed away, a private funeral with the family is planned.
  • A brief discussion of the new licensing fees- The ARRL Official Site lists under License Fees and Applications:

“The $35 application fee, when it becomes effective on April 19, will apply to new, renewal, rule waiver, and modification applications that request a new vanity call sign. The fee will be per application.”

  • Lewis and Clark On The Air Event June 4, 2022- June 19th,2022 Garry KD4GCY has made contact with the for participation but has yet to receive information.  He will continue to follow.
  •  The KY QSO Party is scheduled for June 4-5, 2022 with rules as they were the past year
  • On Thursday, September 22, 2022 we will present a program for the “Seniors Learning for Fun” from 2:00-3:00 in the WKCTC large meeting room.

We are planning a short introduction before showing a Powerpoint presentation that ND4X-Paul has prepared with an imbedded video from the ARRL . We will then have a GOTA session with a minimum of 3 tables of equipment presenting different modes of amateur radio in the Garden area.

  • The Southeastern DX Club will be hosting a Convention, September 23-24, 2022
  • Clint Talmedge-W5CPT spoke with a GMRS friend of his to encourage him and a group to obtain amateur licenses to extend their operational capabilities through open 2m repeaters.

Net Control Operator assignments were made and the formal portion of the meeting was adjourned.


April 17 KB9BVL- Jeff

April 24 KY4LDS- Frank

May 1   KN4TIP- Michael

May 8   KW4DI- Ken

The formal meeting was closed at 2015.

 A VE testing session was started with two testing for Extra, and one testing for Technician.


Club President Garry, KD4GCY presided and called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag.  There were 16 members in attendance. 

A guest presenter, Tina Clark, Sr. Administrative Assistant Workforce Solutions Advisor for the “Senior Learning For Fun” said they have seniors 55+ who meet for information on a variety of subjects.  She said the seniors inquired about amateur radio. A program will be developed for a date to be determined for this fall.   A committee was formed of volunteers to formulate a presentation.  These included KD4GCY-Garry, ND4X- Paul, W4WKN-Dave, and KN4TIP- Michael. 

KD4GCY, Garry read the Minutes of the February 14, 2022, meeting to the membership.  ND4X-Paul made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected for typographical errors, and a correction to the presentation by KC4DR-Don regarding the number of satellites affected by the recent magnetic storm. KB9BVL-Jeff seconded the motion.  The motion was voted on and carried. 

Garry-KD4GCY, read the financial report to the membership. KN4TIP-Michael made a motion to approve the report as displayed and ND4X-Paul seconded it.  The motion was voted on and carried. 

President Garry led the membership in discussion on the following topics: 

⦁ KC4WPS-Roger is recovering from recent illness 

⦁ Upcoming Weather Spotting Classes 

BASIC (follow link below to register) 

                  Monday March 21, 2022 – 6:00 PM


                 Tuesday April 19, 2022 – 6:00 pm CDT 

                 Paducah, KY: Office of Emergency Management Jack Johnston  

                Training Room 3700 Coleman Road 

               Registration is required 

⦁ Contesting updates-ARRL   MO QSO Party April 2-3, 2022 

                                                               KY QSO Party June 4-5, 2022 

           (Added by scribe for info)     TN QSO Party September 04, 2022   

                             ”                                IL QSO Party   October 16, 2022                                                   

⦁ May 14, 2022,    Armed Forces Cross-Band Exercise.  Details on ARRL website

⦁ PARA Net Control Procedures Ad Hoc committee was formed with members W4WKN-Dave, KB9BVL-Jeff, and KD4GCY-Garry  

⦁ Lewis and Clark On The Air  Event June 4, 2022- June 19th,2022.  KD4GCY-Garry will contact for participation 

⦁ McCracken County Sports Tourism Commission is working on a full (26.219 mile) Marathon race. We may be asked to assist other organizations and agencies with communications. 

⦁ KN4TIP-Michael showed the banner he had ordered from VistaPrint. 

  • Two Geomagnetic storms are predicted geomagnetic storms to hit the Earth this week because of the coronal mass ejections (CME) that erupted on the sun on March 10. NOAA issued an alert for a G2 (Moderate) geomagnetic storm watch for Monday and a G1 (Minor) geomagnetic watch that is “likely” for Tuesday, March 15. 

⦁ A “Thank You” letter was proposed by KG4VKB-Logan for the use of Heartland Church for our recent meetings. 

⦁ Field Day June 25-26 weekend- see link for details:  

⦁ Russia is banning vacuum tubes shipped other countries in response to US sanctions against them. 

⦁ Discussion of license testing requirement by the ARRL.  Motion made by KN4TIP- Michael to change W4NJA website under VE License Testing from: “Test sessions are given at the end of the regular PARA business meeting each month (excluding December).” to “Test sessions are by appointment.”  The motion was seconded and carried. 

Net Control Operator assignments were made, and the formal portion of the meeting was adjourned 

Net Control Operators 

Mar 20- KN4TIP-Michael 

Mar 27- KY4LDS- Frank 

Apr 03-  KW4DI-Ken 

Apr-10- KB9BVL-Jeff 

A motion was made by to close the meeting by KB9BVL-Jeff, seconded by KC4DR-Don.  The meeting was closed at 2045. 

Submitted by KN4TIP-Michael, Club Scribe 

March 17, 2022      Leave a comment 


Minutes for PARA Meeting of FEBRUARY 14

Club President Garry, KD4GCY presided and called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. and led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag.  There were 13 members in attendance.

Club Treasurer Roger, KC4WPS, read the financial report to the membership.  Jeff, KM4LDP made a motion to approve the Report as read and Dennis, KB4SRK seconded it.  The motion was voted on and carried.

KD4GCY, Garry Wheatley read the Minutes of the January 10, 2022 meeting to the membership.  Roger, KC4WPS made a motion to approve the Minutes as read and Ron, K4INS seconded the motion.  The motion was voted on and carried.

Garry KD4GCY acknowledged the passing of the mother of Frank Baumer, KY4LDS.  A donation to their church will be disbursed by the club.

President Garry led the membership in discussion on the following topics:

  • Review of best practices for Net Control for Emergency Traffic and Weather Net.  Discussion of rewording of Net Control text.  A review of use of simplex frequency in the instance of repeater down.  Suggestion to use a standardized “channel” allocation for repeaters and simplex channels.  An Ad Hoc committee is suggested to make recommendations.  Suggested to have members named to this committee in the March meeting.
  • Lewis and Clark Trail On The Air-  June 4- June 19, 2022 The Kentucky contest group has contacted us regarding us activating during this time.  Contacts will acknowledged by certificate after submission to the “Logbook of the World”. we will discuss further after some clarification at the March 2022.
  • National Weather Service Spotter classes February 15, 2022 both live and virtual.
  • Jeff, KM4LDP reviewed some of the issues encountered at the National Weather Service during the recent tornadoes.  The radios need to be coordinated in frequencies and assignment to certain antennas to specific radios.  Suggested to plan orientation programs to train amateurs on the equipment.
  • Jeff, KB9BVL discussed some of the challenges of the NWS radar and how trained spotters are able to assist.
  • New rules for ARRL field day:

Max PEP 100 watts, Claads D stations will be able to log contacts with other Class D stations

Proof of media contacts will be required.

  • World Wide Digital Contest rules are published on the ARRL website.
  • Heil, Inc. has transferred ownership to two of their employees.  Bob Heil will remain in an advisory compacity.
  • The KD4DVI 443.000 pl 179.9 repeater has replaced by a fusion (not yet WiresX) unit.

         The Metropolis 146.655- pl 179.9 still has a recieving issue

The Metropolis 147.225+ pl 123.0 repeater is both Fusion and WiresX

  • The Paducah Chamber of Commerce is offering a program on  Crypto Currency Feb 17, 2022 3:30pm
  • Garry KD4GCY attended the 911 service committee meeting which discussed funding issues, tower construction, and the future 800Mhz system.
  • Don Fuller, KC4DR gave a presentation on the recent geomagnetic storm which destroyed multiple and eventually all of the Starlink satellites.  The geomagnetic storms are solar winds from the sun caused a heating condition in the upper atmosphere causing drag resulting in satellites being destroyed during reentry.  Our earth’s magnetic field protect us from being incinerated from these solar winds.  Two scales, the “G” ranging from 1-5, and the “K” ranging from 1-9 both increasing in intensity. A “G-3” or “K-5” can be detrimental to radio and electrical equipment. 

Net Control Operator assignments were made and the formal portion of the meeting was adjourned

Net Control

Feb 20- Ken, KW4DI

Feb 27- Frank, KY4LDS

Mar 06- Michael, KN4TIP

Mar 13- Garry, KD4GCY

A motion was made by Jeff KB9BVL to close the meeting, seconded by Dave, W4WKN.  The meeting was closed at 2112.

February 14, 2021      Leave a comment


Minutes for PARA Meeting of January 10, 2022

Club President Garry, KD4GCY presided and called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. by leading the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag.

Club Treasurer Roger, KC4WPS, read minutes to the November meeting and presented  the financial report. ED, AC9OO, made a motion to accept the minutes as read, seconded by Jeff, KM4LDP. The motion was voted on and carried. Don, KC4DR, made a motion to accept the financial.  It was seconded by Jeff, KM4LDP. The motion was voted on and carried.

The December 13, 2021 PARA Christmas Dinner meeting was attended by 25 at Casa Mexicana .

The first item was to assign Net Control operators for the next 5 nets.

Next, the floor was opened on the topic of electing PARA Officers for the coming year. Members who accepted the positions were: Garry, KD4GCY, continue as President. Don, KC4DR, as Vice President. Roger, KC4WPS, continue asTreasurer. Michael, KN4TIP, Scribe. Each position was voted on individually with all votes in the affirmative. No “No” votes were cast.

Several general topics were presented to the club, including:

Tech Q&A pool is to expire soon.

The New City 911 Board will be meeting on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 1:00PM in City Hall.

Boy Scouts holding a Badge Fair at WKCTC Emerging Technology Building. A Radio Badge was offered to approximately 25 scouts. Many spoke over the repeater  with  Jim, AK4PS, an Eagle Scout himself.

If the Boy Scouts had access to WKCTC, then is it open for PARA to start meeting there again.

Garry, KD4GCY spoke of his recent drive through tornado ravaged Mayfield, KY in hopes of speaking with FEMA about Mitigation Grants.

The meeting discussion then centered upon the Paducah NWS Office the night of the tornado, December 10, 2021.  NWS employee Mike, KI4NXF, contacted Garry, KD4GCY, at 5:33 PM requesting a couple of hams to operate the radios inside of the NWS Office.  Jeff, KM4LDP, and Garry, KD4GCY responded and Jeff was able to pass critical WX information from Radar Interpretation Experts at the NWS to the Union City area of the impending storms. As power was lost to the NWS Office, the electronics continued to be powered by a very large UPS. Issues with the onsite generator kept it from starting and supplying the building. During that time, all unnecessary equipment was shut down, including the Amateur Radios. The radar system has a standalone generator that kept it up and running during that period until shore power was restored. But with the power issues in the main building, the radar data could not be distributed to users during that time.

In regards to The Weather And Traffic net on that December 10th. evening, Frank, KY4LDS, started the net sometime before 5:30 PM and started taking check-ins. As the night progressed more than 40 stations are listed in Frank’s log.  


Minutes for PARA Meeting of November 8, 2021

Club President Garry, KD4GCY presided and called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m., and led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag.

Club Scribe Ruben, WB5WTF, read the Minutes of the September 2021 meeting to the membership.  Paul, ND4X made a motion to approve the Minutes as read and Jeff, KM4LDP seconded the motion.  The motion was voted on and carried.

Club Treasurer Roger, KC4WPS, read the Financial report to the membership.  Ruben, WB5WTF made a motion to approve the Report as read and Jeff, KM4LDP seconded it.  The motion was voted on and carried.

There was one guest, Greg, KI4ESK who was introduced to the membership.

President Garry announced there will be no regular meeting in December and that we will meet at Casa Mexicana on Village Square Drive for the Club’s annual Christmas party.  That will be at 6:00 p.m., on Monday, December 13th.

President Garry led the membership in discussion on the following topics:

  • The earthquake presentation that took the place of the regular club meeting in October; and
  • The October 30th statewide Simulated Exercise Training (SET) using 2-meter simplex.

President Garry advised that on November 5th, there was a local hospital exercise in which Mike Hicks, N9ARK set up a pretend triage area and had a second communications trailer used for it.  Contacts were made on 20 meters, 40 meters as well as 2 meter and 440.  He emphasized a need to establish a point of contact at Lourdes Hospital to get them involved.

Garry introduced us to “Ham Shack Hotline,” which is a dedicated Voice-Over-Internet-Protocol (VOIP) network which is free to amateur radio operators around the world.  After informing us about the concepts, he said we could learn more by researching ham shack hotline.

Announcements from Garry:

  • There is a Winter Weather training session on December 2nd at 6:00 p.m., conducted by the National Weather Service that you can sign up for on their website.
  • PARA will be electing club officers at the January meeting.
  • There is local area testing of WinLink that will be on Zoom on December 16th.  Garry encouraged us to get familiar with and up and going on WinLink.

Net Control Operator assignments were made and the formal portion of the meeting was adjourned, with some members leaving for the license testing, and some members staying for a training session conducted by Frank, KY4LDS.


President: Garry Wheatley, KD4GCY
Vice President: Jeff Wielgos, KB9BVL
Scribe: Ruben Fuentes, WB5WTF
Treasurer: Roger Good, KC4WPS

Minutes of the Paducah Amateur Radio Association (PARA) Meeting of Monday, September 13, 2021.

Club Officers in Attendance:  President: Garry (KD4KCY); Scribe: Ruben (WB5WTF); and Treasurer: Roger (KC4WPS).  There were 16 members present.

The meeting was held at Heartland Church, 4777 Alben Barkley Dr., Paducah, KY., and was called to order at 7:00 pm., by Club President Garry Wheatley (KD4GCY).

Gary led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag and thanked everyone for their support following the accidental death of his brother, Dennis.

Ruben (WB5WTF) read the Minutes of the August meeting.  Don (KC4DR) made a motion to approve the Minutes and Jeff (KM4LDP) seconded it.  The membership voted to approve them.

Roger (KC4WPS) provided the Financial Report, including but not limited to expenditures, revenue and current balance.  Ruben (WB5WTF) made a motion to approve the Financial Report and Jeff (KM4LDP) seconded it.  The motion carried.

Garry (KD4GCY) brought up the topic of an earthquake presentation by Mr. Thomas Beebe, (W9RY), at our next monthly meeting.  There was extensive discussion by the membership including having invitations sent to other ham radio clubs in the area as well as local leaders such as the Mayor, the Chief of Police, the Sheriff, the Emergency Management Director and the County Judge Executive.  The discussion concluded with Bruce (KS4V) making a motion to reimburse Mr. Beebe for fuel costs to come to our meeting as well as providing for his and a Club member host dinner that day.  Mike (WA4ER) seconded the motion and it carried.

Garry (KD4GCY) announced the following upcoming events:

Weather Spotter training by the National Weather Service on September 16th and that you can sign up for it online.

The Great American Shake Out (Earthquake Drills) on October 21st.

He also announced there will also be Winter Weather training on December 2nd.

There was discussion about the Club’s annual Christmas dinner and the group consensus was to move forward with it for this year, at the same location, Casa Mexicana Restaurant.  Garry will get Ed (AB4IQ) to make arrangements with the restaurant.  If COVID disrupts this plan, we will have our regular monthly meeting instead.

After a two-minute video about the Fort Massac Encampment (Metropolis, Illinois) Ruben (WB5WTF) announced an invitation for Club members to participate as volunteers in providing support for first responders at this event which is scheduled for October 16th and 17th.

Roger (KC4WPS) initiated a discussion about the Club’s damaged generator.  He provided a power point presentation on the trouble-shooting, discoveries and successful repair of the generator.  The power point included pictures of the mouse that caused the damage, the chewed up electrical harness and the points of repair.  The members thanked him for repairing it and for saving us the cost of repairs.

PARA Net Control Operator assignments were made and are published on our website ( under the topic, Net Control Operators.

Frank (KY4LDS) did a presentation on a 2 meter/440 meter radio go kit that he put together.  The presentation generated questions and comments about the kit’s contents, especially the power source.

The meeting was adjourned by Garry (KD4GCY) at 8:35 p.m.


President: Garry Wheatley, KD4GCY
Vice President: Jeff Wielgos, KB9BVL
Scribe: Ruben Fuentes, WB5WTF
Treasurer: Roger Good, KC4WPS

Minutes for the Paducah Amateur Radio Association (PARA) Meeting

August 9, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m.

Location: Heartland Church, 4777 Alben Barkley Dr, Paducah, KY

The meeting was called to order at 7:00  p.m., by club Vice President, Jeff (KB9BVL), and he led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag.  There were 14 members in attendance.

An announcement was made that club President Garry’s (KD4GCY) brother was involved in a serious motorcycle accident yesterday, and the group prayed for Garry and his family.

The Minutes of the July meeting were read and a motion was made and carried to approve the Minutes as read.

The Treasurer’s report was read by Roger (KC4WPS).  Roger reported that he’d paid the cost for an invoice received for the Club’s website domain, in the amount of $20.00. Paul (ND4X) made a motion to reimburse Roger for this expenditure and Jeff (KM4LDP) seconded it.  The motion carried.  There was discussion carried over from the July meeting regarding the generator that needs to be repaired.  Following the discussion, Don (KC4DR) made a motion to authorize up to $300 to be spent for the generator to be fixed.  Eddie (AC9OO) seconded the motion and it carried.  Roger also reported that there are 49 current club members.  A motion was made and seconded to approve the financial report and it carried.

There was a discussion about our club’s membership list being shared outside the group.  No vote was taken but it was the group’s consensus that the list not be shared with outsiders.

President Jeff (KB9BVL) led a discussion regarding upcoming changes with the way weather alerts are put out to the public by the National Weather Service.  He introduced the membership to a couple of new weather websites titled: and

Paul (ND4X) reminded everyone that the Kentucky Parks on the Air (POTA) is this coming Saturday.

Everyone was also reminded that just prior to our next club meeting there will be another “tailgate” event, this time in the parking lot of Heartland Church, where our club meeting will be.


President: Garry Wheatley, KD4GCY
Vice President: Jeff Wielgos, KB9BVL
Scribe: Ruben Fuentes, WB5WTF
Treasurer: Roger Good, KC4WPS

Meeting called to order 7:00 P.M. by President Garry Wheatley. West Kentucky Community and Technical College, 4810 Alben Barkley Dr. Paducah KY 42001 in the Conference Room.

President Wheatley opened the meeting by leading the group in a pledge to the American flag.

  • Treasurer’s report given by Roger (KC4WPS). We spent $225.68 for field day expenses
  • The minutes from the June meeting were read.
  • The Treasurer’s report and Secretary minutes were voted on and accepted.
  • Dave N4QS was interviewed by the Central Arizona DX Association about his remote radio stations. You can see the interview at
  • President Wheatley thanked Mike (WA4ER) for the use of his property for 2021 Field Day and then had everyone introduce themselves to the group. 
  • There were two visitors, Patty Beechum and Lloyd Baker.
  • Charlie (K9DUE) reported that the Metropolis (Massac County Amateur Radio) Club is restarting it’s monthly meetings on the third Wednesday of each month.  He and Ruben (WB5WTF) also reported on the Massac Club’s plans to use hams at the annual Fort Massac Encampment in October, which draws thousands of visitors.  All of the Paducah hams were invited to participate.
  • There was a discussion about filling the vacant Secretary position and the need for a new office of Web Administrator.
  • Roger (KC4WPS) volunteered to be Web Administrator.
  • Ruben (WB5WTF) volunteered to be Secretary (Scribe).
  • It was decided that the “swap meet” held before the meeting had been a success and a second “swap meet” will be held in the parking lot of WKCTC at 5:00 p.m. before the September 13th PARA meeting.
  • President Wheatley also reported on the following:
    • Jeff’s (KM4LDP) medical status, saying a procedure he had done today went well.  The group was encouraged to pray for his recovery.
    • The National Weather Service is getting ready to change the way in which certain alerts are made to the public by going to a three-tier system.
  • There was discussion about a problem with a generator that was used for Field Day and it was decided that Garry (KD4GCY) will go by Mike’s and pick up both generators and take them where they need to go.
  • The Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Bruce (KS4V) and seconded by Ruben (WB5WTF) and it carried.