May Monthly Meeting (Virtual)

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Paducah Amateur Radio Association was held 7:00 PM, Monday, May 11, 2020 via the W4NJA repeater in Paducah, KY.  This virtual meeting was necessary due to the Covid-19 pandemic which required the closure of public buildings and social distancing.

22 members and guests were checked in.  The meeting was opened by PARA President, Jeff Wielgos, KB9BVL.  The meeting had elements of both an emergency net and a formal club meeting.  Jeff welcomed us and then asked each attendee to check-in by the order of the first letter of their call sign suffix

Club Business Items

  • The Treasurer’s report was given by Treasurer Roger Good.  Roger announced that two generators had been purchased by the club and would probably be stored at Dave Perry’s Amateur Radio Ranch until needed.
  • Secretary Ron Cowherd read the minutes which reviewed the business items of the April 13th meeting which was concerned primarily with the KY QSO Party and Field Day.
  • The May 11 meeting continued the discussion of the previous month but nothing was settled concerning the location of a 2020 Field Day site.
  • Fortunately, the KYQSO Party and Field Day particulars can follow the procedures established in past years, although a Field Day location is yet to be determined.

Items of interest being discussed on the W4NJA repeater since last virtual meeting.

  • Garry Wheatley, KD4GCY, has been doing a fine job of leading the local hams on the exploration of the best simplex frequencies that could be used in case the repeaters were to become unusable.  In addition to providing an hour or so of entertainment, it gave us the opportunity to test our individual station’s ground wave communication abilities.  Garry is planning another evening of simplex exploration on Tuesday, May 26, 7:00 pm.  As before, he will meet us on the W4NJA repeater for instructions.
  • Paul Smith ND4X, reminds us that the Kentucky QSO Party will happen June 6-7, 2020. 14:00 UTC June 6 until 02:00 UTC, June 7 (09:00 AM CDST) – (9:00 Pm CDST) Saturday, June 6.  See for additional information.
  • The National Weather Service Office in Paducah will be giving a free webinar mini course covering subjects such as “Tornado Extreme Risks” and “A Guide to Basic Radar Products using RadarApps.”  Click on the following link for more info:
  • It was suggested that we try a ZOOM virtual June 8th PARA monthly club meeting.  In order to prepare for that  meeting.  Garry Wheatley and President Jeff Wielgos will host a practice session on Tuesday, 7:00pm, June 2nd.   The purpose of the “dry run” session will be to help everyone get acclimated to the Zoom app.  Everyone should download the Zoom app for their respective devices before the practice session.  Hopefully this session will help us quickly get down to business on June 8th with everyone on board.  The Zoom allotted session time is only 45 minutes or so.  Please watch for further email, text, and Facebook announcements stating meeting ID number and password as we approach the Tuesday, June 2nd practice session.  Also pertinent PARA announcements will be included in the Sunday Night PARA Emergency Net.  (more details below in Remember info)
  • Jeff noted that there was some confusion about where to find the correct, up-to-date W4NJA Facebook page.  The following link should take you there:
  • Please subscribe to the (free) W4NJA Webpage.  Just fill in the blank on the webpage right sidebar for automatic delivery of the webpage each month.

Net Control Operators

Sunday night nets are at 9:00 PM on 147.060 MHZ. PL 179.9

May 17       Jeff KB9BVL           13 PARA ck-ins

May 24       Steve NW9W         14 PARA ck-ins

May 31       Frank KY4LDS       13 PARA ck-ins

June 7         Michael KN4TIP    15 PARA ck-ins

June 7         Logan KG4VKB      10 ARES ck-ins


  • PARA meets at Emerging Technology Center, WKCTC on 2nd Monday, 7 pm, each month except December.  Prospective hams in search of general info concerning the hobby may Google and click on relevant headings.
  • New License and upgrade exams will not be offered until we get back in the WKCTC facility.  Exams or normally given at the close of each meeting night throughout the year.  See W4NJA web site for info.  Click button at the top of the page:   About Us, then VE License Testing.  Also, you may call Fred Carter (AI4EY) and leave a message at (270)210-3628 if you wish to take a test at the next meeting.
  • The Sunday Night PARA Emergency Net meets each Sunday night at 9 PM.  All amateur radio operators are invited to check in. 147.060 PL 179.9  The ARES monthly net convenes immediately following PARA net on the first Sunday night of each month.
  • CW round table for on-the-air operating practice, 6:30 pm Tuesday and Thursday evenings.  Meet on W4NJA 147.060 repeater at 6:30 to get instructions.
  • Amateur Radio Emergency Services meetings are held at 7:00 pm on 3rd Thursdays, 3700 Coleman Road EOC building in the Jack Johnston meeting room.
  • Metropolis net  Thursdays 8:15, 146.655 – 600, PL179.9, The Massac club call is now known as W9DUE.  147.225 is old repeater freq.
  • Draffenville net Wednesdays 9:00 145.390 PL118.8

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